Could any one share me the expansion?......

What is:
some expansions which you know because I am an Asian I am little ignorant in the region of this - Thanks


What are boobs REALLY good for?

Idk- I don’t know
Iud- Intra Uterine Device
Wtf- what the f*ck
Lmao- chortle my a** off
Roflmao- Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off
Rofl- rolling on the floor laughing
j/k-just kidding
Stfu-shut the f*uck up
Omg- oh my god!


lol is Laugh Out Loud
idk is I Dont Know...
iud i never heard of this one

Period im still concerned.?

why is this within womens health?

lol- guffaw out loud

idk- i don't know

iud-... well i don't know that one.

you can look these up on yahoo, basically type in "internet contractions"

Can I budge swimming with a tampon wihout have my period?

lol- finances Laugh out load
idk- means i dont know
iud-means Intrauterine Device
lmao-means laughing my sour

How do i make myself sterile?

iud is a type of birth controll. it is instrted up into the cervix after the dialate it.

Cyst beneath arm painful?

laughing out loud
i don't know
intrauterine device (medical possession for anything in the uterus, not just a form of birthcontrol resembling copperT)

What lubricant be used during sex, oil, jelly etc???///////?

lol= Laughing Out Loud or Lots Of Laughs
idk= I Don't Know
IUD= Intra Uterine Device {a small medical instrument that's inserted inside of a woman's uterus intended to provide long permanent status -usually 1 to 10 years- contraception; it's over 99% effective surrounded by preventing pregnancy}

Can u get pregante?

lol is Laugh Out Loud or lots of love
idk is I Dont Know
iud>? i own no idea

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