What are some ways you can downsize or remove cramping during your extent?

I always end up coming home from academy becuase of my cramps.

Answers:    The pain reliever naprosyn (same as Aleve, over-the-counter) is especially good for menstrual cramps. Unlike other NSAIDS such as motrin, it contains a inbred smooth muscle relaxer (one that doens't affect your thinking) and is frequently recommended by doctors.

Good luck, hope this helps! : ).
The simple and cheap way to abet with cramps (it's also the quickest, and the most convenient and natural) is having an orgasm by masturbating. It doesn't work for *all* women, but it does give a hand many... and for some, it can get rid of cramps entirely for a while.


"... an orgasm can end in your uterus to contract, enabling it to use up excess prostaglandins in the process. Prostagladins are hormones produced by your uterine pool liner. They help to stimulate contractions that move menstrual blood out of the uterus, and are also responsible for those cramps that occur throughout your spell.".
Alieve works wonders for my cramps. One day I had the worst cramps of my entire energy. I was still living with my mom at the time and she be sooo worried about me, because of how bad they be and endometreosis seems to run in our familial...so I had to call out of work and be in motion to the doctor. He actually told me to me 2 alieve and if it didn't get better to ring him. But within an hour of taking them, I was fine. And very soon every time I get the slightest hint of cramps, pop 2 alieve, it get rid of the cramps I have and keeps them gone for the intact day. It's great. Never works too good on freshly headaches though, but for cramps, alieve is the way to run. Get thermacare heat patches. You can buy them at walmart, target, walgreens. They work great. I use the ones that are expected for your upper back, they are a little bigger. Also, confer to you doctor, I went on the pill because it helps peroxide your period and lessen your cramps, not because I wanted to enjoy sex. Talk to your mom and see if she will be willing to help you next to that. Depending on how old you are. Good Luck.


Edit: Also avoid caffeine and carbonation, those two always made cramps worse for me since having my daughter..
Exercise, plenty and plenty of exercises. Also, try that hot gel, that might work! I usually take a heat bath, then after that place the heat pad on your cramps! Exercising regularly
My friend has gone to swimming every Friday for years and she never have cramps or pains.
Any regular exercise should help
Take painkillers, strong ones.
You know what works for me? A hot water bottle placed on my lower tummy (If you're at school then I guess this doesn't work). Have you tried anything similar to tylenol or midol? Hot drinks like tea are also soothing I find.
Hot bath
Pain killer (I take 2 paracetamol and 2 ibuprofen at the same time)
Hot dampen bottle
Eating healthily.
deffinatley midol. it works very well on cramps, headache and other symptoms of your period. instant results! good luck Exercise, Advil or Midol and hot pad..
exercises baby!!

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