Iam scared that i hurt her when we be haveing sex?

straight after i told her i loved her she got up and go to the bath room and cryed wats the concern with her

Please respond adjectives answers appreciated :)?

i dont think you hurt her physically.
I don`t know she thinks you vote you love her because
she had sex next to you. did you tell ehjr you lvoed her
previously? if you didnt she may think thats the use.
if you love her you will need to permit her know all the time
not simply wehn you have sex.
or she is in recent times emotional in the region of havin sex the first time.
i know i was. try to comfort her.
ask her if you did something wrong

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maybe you should ask herr.

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She probably thought the only apology you said you loved her was because you a short time ago had sex...save saying it, but near no strings attached ok?

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She might have basically used you for sex, and not love you, but feels fruitless now, because she doesn't love you, and feel guilty (because you lover her). That is the most logical explanation I can think of.

Maybe you hurt her during sex? I don't construe so, otherwise, I think she would at least possible tell you somewhat.

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Probably get emotional...Give her some time and she might communicate about it subsequent.or not.

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Does anyone Know what this could be from?

Maybe she have never been loved. Maybe she like someone else and doesn't want to hurt your feelings. conceivably she feels underproveleaged, something close to that.

Umm..if you're taking birth control to regulate your period, does it still work to prevent pregnancies?

She is any happy or doesn't want to throw her go away by having sex too precipitate! How old are you guys? She might be afraid to own sex, but the only process you are going to get a serious answers or correct answer is if you ask her.

I hope this help!

I want to ask that r transsexual r true,?

The only one who can answer this is her, you call for to talk to her to find out, if you approach it compassionately she should be able to agree to you if she feels she can trust you.

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It's complex to say base on the information provided. Was this the first time you have have sex together? Was it the first time for her ever? Was it the first time you told her you loved her? Have you been have problems in the relationship and she be afraid that maybe you didn't love her? There are so masses things to consider - but unless it was her first sexual experience, it's doubtful you hurt her have sex. I would say it be more than likely an touching experience that led to her tears - and they're imagined tears of happiness!

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Either you pushed her to have sex when she didn't want to .
Or you took her virginity. Or she could hold just have a mood swing.

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Having sex for a woman is a highly turbulent time.

They could have be tears of happiness, woe or she may have be upset

The only method to find out what it was would be to ask her. Give her time I am sure when she is geared up and able to converse about you can brooch the subject beside her and find out if there is a problem

Spotting and hurting?

Most likey you are really unpromising at it, and since you were here first she will remember you and how unpromising it was for the rest of her time.

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