My friend hasnt have her term surrounded by 3 months?

and she usualy gets them every 3 months but presently its been resembling 6 months and still no period...
but I know for a certainty shes a virgin so shes not prego or any thing. what could be wrong beside her?

Answers:    Don't be scarred this is something that happen to a lot of women, she have irregular periods, this can be a impose of many different factor, including diet changes, or a hormone inequity. My aunt went through indistinguishable thing , adjectives she need to do is run see a gynecologist and chances are they will put her on birth control pills to regulate her menstrual cycle. No worries!
she should turn the doctor, is she underweight? Maybe she works out too much or is too thin.
Hormonal Balance she should dance to the doctor many things could be wrong my friend missed her interval for9 month she has be diagnosed with polysistic ovaries which be so large it have stopped her periods she is getting treatment and they advise she will be ok havin kds and what have you but transmit her to go to her gp for a true diagnosis
Take a look at the relationship below. This does sound more serious than what this information provides, but this is newly some of the reasons why this might crop up. she must go to the docror soon

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