Is a kick within the balls more bloody than childbirth?????........

I Know of no normal man that have been kicked surrounded by the balls, to stand beside his legs apart and say "GIVE ME ANOTHER ONE!!"

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No it's not. And here's how I know after I had my second child I got my tubes tied. I'm awake and strapped to the table near a spinal anesthetic. Suddenly, I felt the most ungodly discomfort in my chest (and everywhere else I could consistency anything). All I could do was screech. The anesthesiologist peeks over the drape and tell me "Oh you only just got kicked within the nuts"

"Excuse me" I replied.

"Yeah the doctor just bumped your ovary out of the path. They're basically like as a man's testicles except inside."

strange huh?

So I'm all women but Ihave if truth be told been kicked within the nuts.

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That's because men are wimps...and if you had to gross that sacrifice for your CHILD, you may stand there and pocket it again...

Also, mother nature have a way to brand name a woman forget exactly how bad it hurts...another ensurance that the species will verbs to propogate.

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They are probably in the region of the same horizontal of pain.

However, your anguish doesn't last for 10, 15, 21, etc... HOURS!

On the other paw, your reward isn't a beautiful child for the hours of discomfort.

Ok i am planning on going to planned parenthood subsequent week but i dont have and IL ID card?

yeah but at tiniest you get something out of childbirth- it hurts only just enough for you to block it out..but babies are so worth it-most will do it again

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Since not a soul person have experienced both, I would say this is an impossible grill. However, if you gave women the resort of having their own biological children in need undergoing childbirth, I reason you would have profusely of takers.

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nothing hurts worse than childbirth!
I know......I have have two babies!

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ask a women while she's giving birth if she'd similar to another and you wont hear "Please Sir may i have another"
so as I am no man but a mother who go through a very pain-full conferral that i will never forget, I would have to utter they are about on par beside each other... but I'm only guessing no one human being has ever experienced both. hope i help a little bit.

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I would not know, you hold to have ball and a virgina to experience both and then want which one was more stinging. Dumbwit.

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i have hear a man say that since, but he had a cup on. he be on that stupid show were they accomplishment like idiots and acquire hit with bowling ball in the nuts.

he be asking for more. he did it like three times within a row!

Please help me?

Women own 9 months to mentally prepare for the pains of childbirth, plus were given the prospect of having wonderful drugs to seize us through the pain.
Maybe if a man could mentally prepare for getting nail in the ball and get an epidural (sp?) he would want another one.

How long does it pilfer?

i don't know what it's like for child birth on the other hand, and i'm not a man so i don't know about the see in the ball. but i've always hear that child birth is the most painful item out there. kidney stones are 2nd. i hope this help.

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I found this mildly funny.

I've be kicked in the "balls" back and its the worst feeling likely. Compared to childbirth, the way your cross-question is worded, it sounds like your the one on the reception end of childbirth and not the giving.

So I'd articulate I'd rather be at the other side of the table saw "GIVE ME ANOTHER ONE!. YOU CAN DO IT HONEY!!".

However if you meant GIVING childbirth, I'd a bit be kicked in the "balls".

How long does it second?

Yes it can cause sudden cardiac aresst.

Why ? no appetite?

no1 know coz at end of hours of daylight men don't know what childbirth feels close to and we don't know what a kick surrounded by the balls is similar to coz we got none

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With a see in the ball, the pain will eventually subside.
With childbirth, it's the start of raise a child and the pains of being a parent. This go on for many years.

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Good sound out, which no-one can answer with any authority.

Period Question.girls one and only?

I'm afraid you won't find many those who have have both of those experiences.

Helpladies only?

DOUBT IT!! ha ha ha hahahahahahah

I'm 32, able-bodied, just have a pap smear. normal. I am have my period for the 2nd time this month? Normal?

haha no childbirth would own to be worse i think!

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