Help! I hav a really imbarassing problem!?

1 of my boobs is bigger than the other and i want to get an push in in the small 1 to eaven them out. But my bf doesnt want me to because he requirements my boobs to b as natural as possible. What do i do?

How would I narrate my mom that i have have sex?

Usually insurance will only discharge for the plastic surgery if the other breast is at least a cup size larger. Talk to your doctor earlier making any decisions that may adversely affect your body.

My age is 30. i own four childrens. my vagina is too loose becoz of births. my husbend is not satisfy near me

have the larger one reduced to the size of the smaller one.

Could I be pregnant?

Don't do it. To be quite honest not a soul has the faultless body. We all own imperfections. Love your body for what it is and be grateful that you hold meet a guy that loves your body the channel it is.

I'm trying to conceive, will birth control help me?


About the nuva ring?

its something like you not bf,do it 4 yourself,so your not self consious about it 4 time time

How do you lose weight at 41?

keep them alike way its not worth lossing ur bf

Can anyone recommend moral gyno, thryroid/Family doctor & dentist in Tampa nouns?

Women's breasts are slightly different in size readily. You could use those gel inserts that you put in your bra if you feel you want to even out.. or use those pump bras that can inflate the sides to different sizes. But bottom dash, it's your body.. if you want an implant, more power to you sister! I don't reflect on your bf will be complaining for long if you do the surgery, and if he is, what a jerk!

Will you caution if they.?

Is it actually a observable difference to anyone but you (and possibly your boyfriend)? As I understand it breasts are normally different sizes but the difference isn't noticeable unless you're if truth be told measuring them individually.

If it's a difference that would be adjectives to anyone who sees you later you could probably have a plastic surgeon help yourself to a look. You may not need an slip if there's a manifest but minor difference. There may be some other technique that would be more effective and still save you "natural" in the sense that nil has be implanted to enhance you.

Good luck!

Does anyone have any recommend help near vaginal dryness?

I would like to be the first to enunciate that the embarrassing problem isn't your serrated chest, it's your spelling.

I believe that 99% of women have imbalanced breasts to begin next to.
If you're still going through puberty, they'll more then possible be a little more distinctly uneven. I'm sure they'll even out soon.

Question for girls!!!!!?

most society have that problem..dont draw from any surgery trust me! removal advice- down in that!?

Are you planning on marrying your boyfriend?
Are you planning on living next to your body forever?
One thing to thieve into consideration is if you plan on having children and breast feed. Do your homework before have surgery!

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