Period - Tampoons..?

I'm on my period. And i usally use liner or pads. but its so messy and tough. and all my friends enunciate tampons are so easy to use. i've tried putting tampons in back. but it just wont run up there. is something wrong? or do i own to wait til i'm elder to use them?

is there a specail approach to put them in?
please assist.

Please Help Me! 2 Questions Near The Bottom?

Okay im 14 and i use tampons the reason why it wont travel "up there" is your nervous if you do not relax it wont shift up so relax take wide breaths and keep trying you will soon get hold of used to it dont worry !

How do you know if you own hemroids?

It takes a few tries. It took me around a whole box and a partly of tampons before I could carry it in right. Are you using the smallest size? Because that's what you should use. If you can quality it in in attendance then it's not surrounded by right. Trust me, when you start using them you'll never want to go rear to those diapers ever again.

Girls please help?

They are unproblematic to use it is easy i U read the instructions and follow them and the most easiest postion to use is one foot on the stool and one on the floor and at hand it goes put it within not hard at adjectives

I just started taking Kariva low dose birth control 3 weeks ago.. Has anyone experienced crazy mood change?

Use what you use.Nobodys gonna see you using pads unless you report to them.I use pads because it's better.(i guess).

I'm have menstrual issues.. haha, help?

Aim for your lower wager on. The left side. Great direction girls.

If Deodorant helps protect against wetness, later why don`t we ladies use it at "that time of the month"

they are much easier, but i have to mind and leave them on for a fundamentally time of period. and yes in that is special way to put them one. but the instructions are inbox of tampon. =]]
Also you might want to check fo rthe different times that siuts you best.

I found this pill, round, white a V on one side and 2410 on the other. HELP!?

your friends are true they are so much easier!
a moment ago go to bathroom, relax and dont be panicky its simple once you no how to do it :]
You sould try using the ones with plastic containers, at first!
Maybe put your one foot one the toilet form, it will help trust me and in recent times slip it in. Simple! pactice make perfect!
and purely remeber to relax
simple!! hope i helped

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