I'm having menstrual issues.. haha, oblige?

I've had my time of year for 4 years now. So this seem odd to me to start now. I be supposed to get my interval about a week ago, i be having these grotesque cramps too. They weren't really cramps but more like a pinching/stinging sensation in my ovaries or something. This happen for like two days and next stopped... but my period never come!
and then roughly speaking a week later i wake up up one morning and i got my spell , but alsoi had this most unbelivable throbbing ive never expieranced before within my life. My lower tummy and lower back be just within so much pain. i couldn't stand up straight and even lying down be uncomfortable... eventually approaching three hours later the strain went away and presently my period is completely mundane. and i just enjoy normal cramps very soon.

just as a side information...i started taking birth control back within october but i recenetly stopped in january.. if this help at all beside figuring out the mystery! =)

Ladies please serve, Periods?

it could be your body reacting to man off the pill or endometrioses.....if you are really worried i would nickname your Dr and see what they say.........they are other the best solution

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I am not sure but if you are sexually active you could own had a misscarriage.

Why isn't this bladder infection going away? Could something else be wrong next to me?

you might have endometriosis

Period plz serve me?

I've heard that when you travel off bc it can bring problems similar to the ones you're having. I suggest you stir to your gyno and see hat's what. GL

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that is probably the reason. if this happen again on the next time u should talk to ur gyn doctor.

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Yes you had your BC pills withdrawal. Nothing bad going on for it. If you still worry next go to doc. Other next that good that you addes a side information sayin you recently started birth control pills.....because to be exact the answer your question.

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could be a miscarriage. or it could be a spontaneous effect to quitting the pill please see your doctor

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So, I wonder if you might have gotten pregnant and later lost it.
It sounds to me like you own a tipped uterus. That is what will cause your stern to have so much torment.
If you had, have intercourse since going off the pill within Jan, then i'm predisposed to bet that you miscarried.

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You need to dance to the OBGYN. Even though pinchy cramps can be a sign that you are ovulating, You could have started have endometriosos which could cause the bleeding cramping or tubal pregnancy. No matter what this is not an nouns where us women can play around - walk see the doctor and be 100% sure you are ok.

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A hormonal disballance can have such consequences. I've be having trouble next to my hormones for years now. See your doctor simply in defence, although I believe you're fine. If the pains continue for several period in a row you should consider starting bc again.

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