How can i get my mom to permit me shave?

I'm almost 13 and STILL DON'T shave! eh. i asked my mom the other day and she BROUGHT MY DAD INTO IT AND she said that he said he doesn't want me going anywhere in close proximity my legs! (poking my leg as we speakk) it really bugs me wen i go over 2 a friend's house and they bring up a shaving conversation. my mom think girls only do it to look "sexy" WAT?! after she said since i'm latina it's unnoticable. i notice it. that should b ample. she even told me if she could she never would've started! I'D SWITCH PLACES W/ HER! i realllllllly want 2 shave or get rid of the coat some way but i alsoooo reaaaaalllllyyyy don't want 2 turn behind my mom's rear. please! help!

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I totay read your problem same thing happen to me this year im 14
go to your mom and let somebody know her that you feel remarkably self concience about it and that you conjecture it would be ok and explain that you are oldernow and resposible and that part of explicitly you need here trust in you and they necessitate to trust that you wont hurtyourself. also talkto them about alternitives ifthey wont tolerate you shave there are other things you can do. the first risk is get an electric blade. you know like the one at the barber sortof you can find one at many drugstores or target or walmart palces close to that. electric razors you use when your legs are dry so you can do it anytime. also its basicly impossile to cut yourself beside an electric razor. you can return with somthing like nair wich you put on it disolves the tresses and you rinse(or scrape) off lacking any blades. you can get your legs wax or you can get a self wax kit ( only a warning this stings not a ton but it hurts especialy the firdt few times) here are your best choices you can also get the spine removed with a blade but it can be a tad pricey. those are my segestion i recommend you talk to your mom explain that you want it to be a girl settle since it is a personal thing and that you would close to her to listen to your appinion before she objects. also be completely detached the whole time and appropriate her answer with resspect and dont cry. if you still are told no then be as appropriate as you can and show them how responsible you are. dont worry eventualy you will enjoy that privolige. but bring it uip everyonce in a while if they do say no.

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have you started puberty?
update her that, omg sorry idk what else

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Just so you know, shaving isn't adjectives it's cracked up to be. It gets super annoying to enjoy to shave every few days. I don't think relatives will judge you if your legs are furry, so maybe you should loaf a few years.

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try waxing instead lol!
update her how u TRUELY feel more or less shaving!

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i'm 14 and still not allowed to shave so i perceive your pain. you're going to enjoy to make a choice. shave down her back, or don't. you might know how to convince her with arguments resembling, the hair isn't fighting fit or something like that but i'm not promising it will work. the compromise my parents and i come to is that while i still can't shave, i am allowed to use hair removal products. they hold lotions and special wipes that do matching thing as shaving single without the blade. also do you know what your parents are defiant in shaving? that might give a hand figure out how to convince them. if it's the belief that they're against then it'll be sturdy, but if it's the blade then I don`t know you can do it in front of your mom a few times to prove you're responsible around it and won't cut yourself.

Girlz only?

Just reach a deal to her and tell her you really want to shave and you will nick full responsibilty if it doesn't go ably.
Point out that it;s just pelt, and what can happen to be precise worse than you feeling discouraging about yourself?
Tell her you are discomfited with it and of late want to try it.

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Tell her you own armpit hair and you want to return with rid of it. That will do the trick. Or you could ask to use that veet stuff.

Women only relief?

I remember when my mom wouldn't let me shave...but you know what you could do is use "NAIR" wax sucks...but nair and other creams are better, just becareful and read the instructions past you use it. But if your mom is concerned with safekeeping, then creams are better to use.I still use's truly better...because you don't get cut-throat bumps or nicks. Good luck!!

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just maintain nagging her every single day untill she'll be so annoyed she say yes.i couldnt shave untill i was 11 but thats simply cuz i kept nagging my mom over and over ......... over ......'till she said yes

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I think I be about that outmoded when I shaved for the first time. but trust me once you start you'll wishyou never started. I have to shave every year in proclaim for my legs to not be prickly.

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I'm 10 and my mom has to shave my armpits. The single good perception that I have is obtain a bandage, be off it for a while on there, next take it bad and some hair at lowest will come off!! LOL

Anyways Good Luck,


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