Please Help Me! 2 Questions Near The Bottom?

I Asked This Question A Few Days Ago.
I'm on birth control. Me and my boyfriend had sex twice. We used a condom & at the time I be using b.c. He only come the 1st time we had sex & he said it wasn't much at adjectives. so the "juice" didn't get inside of me. The previous 2 times I've had my interval, it's only last for 2 days. Pregnant? Or do you just deem that my period is lately screwed up because of my birth control? I do forget to take one pill every very soon and then. But nought like everyday. Please Help Me. I'm Really Scared. I'm solely 15!!

My period last for 2 days, is that still considered a period?
I Live contained by Georgia & my parents are divorced. my mom lives in North Carolina.
My dad's the type of personage that will beat me if i'm pregnant.
My mom said that she would bring me to a free clinic to see if i'm pregnant, but most people on have told me no. i'm not pregnant because i had my extent.
do you have to own your legal guardian near you to have an abortion?

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if your not ready for the consequences of have sex, than do not do it.

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take a pregancy test!

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You are fine! Birth control make your periods shorter and lighter. No worries! You might want to look into parsimony if you are still worried about things.

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not preganant

and if you need a official guardian then you shouldn't own had sex and you are probably smaller number then 18 which scheme you were raped and a parent would call for to be there

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I doubt your pregnant. The Pill can form periods lighter, and not later as long, or it can stop them altogether.

I have have brown spotting everyday since i stopped my period??

Why don't you simply go to the doctor and squirrel away yourself all of the worrying? Seems similar to the logical thing to do..

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Well I am not going to give you the address that you should have sex at 15...but...since you should suffer the consequences. I don't reflect you are pregnant. You would not have have a period. A pregnancy trial should show that expecially since you had a two daytime period. You do have need of a legal guardian b/c you are not 18 unless you are emacipated from your parents.

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if the condom didn't break and you're on bc then you're fine, chill out. your period are probably screwed up because your stressing over this and the bc. you're not pregnant, but if you really need to be sure next take a oral exam.

If your pregnent?

your probably not pregnant becuase you did still get your interval, but you should go to the local pharmacy and by a assessment just within case. Be wise! make sure nobody you don't want to finds the wrapper, box, ect. Throw it out somewhere that your dad won't find it. If you aren't preganant than u can chill, if u are natter to your mom and go to the clinic becuase it sounds resembling a good impression. I'm not sure about the full abortion thing, but my guess is that u can receive one w/ you're mother. gd luck! i hope everything works out. If anything new comes up i suggest discussion w/ ur mom cuase it sounds like ur dad wudn't construe and ur mom is probably ur closest adult.

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chill out first of all....i dont chew over you are. If you want to be sure take a pregnancy audition! Nd you you were soooo worried that you may enjoy gotten pregnant, than why did you have sex contained by the first place!?!?!? Take care of yourself, nd newly cause your on "the pill" doesn't mingy you should be going around have'n sex!!.especially if you skipped some days! I twig that you want to kno what it is like to enjoy sex, but wait, its better to skulk!!...make a better choice subsequent time.

sry if it was raucous, but i had to procure to ya...this is important. I hope everything works out for you. GOOD LUCK!!

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I doubt you are pregnant because you had your time of year. Google on pregnancy and the effects and symptoms.
I hate it when little small kids like you hold sex and then wanna eradicate the human growing inside of them! Bunch of idiots( which includes you big time). If you are not willing to pocket the responsibility of having a child stop taking the risk

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15 and you're having sex?!?! I really hold no sympathy for you.. I have sympathy for the infant if in reality you are pregnant. You need to stop have sex. Period. There are consequences for having sex at such a immature age. HIV, NUMEROUS STDs, having a BABY, and human being a highschool drop out because you have to make higher your child. An adult DOES enjoy to be present for an abortion- but you really shouldn't even consider an abortion! That is a human being and you'll be kicking yourself everyday after the surgery and you'll never forgive yourself. Suggestion- "dry hump" if you MUST enjoy satisfaction. Don't agree to him take his pant off and don't remove yours, any. If sperm doesn't touch the base of your "parts" here's no possibility for pregnancy.

I've been on my extent for 13 days this month?

By the mere fact that you are asking adjectives of these questions vehicle that you are NOT ready to own sex! You and your boyfriend need to stop have it if you are not ready for the responsibility of have a baby together! The entity that you really need to remember is that NO FORM of birth control, for you or for him is 100% efficient all the time! The single thing that will stop you from getting pregnant is NOT have sex! Also, if your boyfriend turns 18, and he is having sex next to you - it's now against the canon. It's called statuatory rape. You inevitability to stop. Take a good break from him, and gossip to a trusted adult nearly what's going on. Talk to a teacher, a pastor, SOMEONE. If you can't consult to your parent about it, after if nothing else, be in motion to Planned Parenthood, and talk to them in the region of what's going on. You're only 15, and mentally and emotionally, far too childlike for the consequences of your actions. Stop presently, and you won't add a toddler to your complicated life! As a side details, if you DO get pregnant, my bet is, it won't be long formerly your boyfriend takes rotten! Do the right thing!!

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