Long spell?

I have stopped taking the pill becasue i own been taking it for 10 years immediately and felt i needed a break from it. I also have break through bleeding from the most recent pill i was on. Cosequently i fixed to have a complete break.
After 3 weeks my first non pill term arrived, and has be here ever since! This was 2 and a partly weeks ago. Is this lengthy time just becasue it is my first true term?


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it can run a few months to get posterior to a normal cycle

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that's totally normal

Pre menopause?


I once come off the pill which I have only taken for a brute of a man. Anyway I have the same item as you. Don't worry girl, you'll be dry again!

Im on my spell and its really heavy. im have a swim party and i want to swim. what should i do?

It most predictable is due to hormone imbalance. really want more details, for example your age and whether the bleeding is heavy or if it is getting heavier. If the bleeding is insubstantial it is probably hormone imbalance and it will sort itself, if however it is sweet still, you should contact your doctor.

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It happens, but this is something you want to enjoy checked out. Some young girls markedly 1st period is extensive, but this is something you should check out only to be sure. There is a possibility of tear or an infection. That is thoroughly extreme, but I would consult a doctor if I were you.

Do you gain cold easliy ?

I was a moment ago about to hold tinned tomato's for breakfast.I don't think I will bother immediately.Wow,too much information

I Can't Get Horny Anymore, Why Is This?

Thats normal!

I lately started nuva ring and i took it out yesterday because it was time?

This still sounds resembling breakthrough bleeding (bleeding that acts abundantly like a period). It can pocket several months for the body to adjust to being stale the pill so your actual period may not come for a time.

I would recommend checking beside your dr as well to see what they utter.

Sex question.?

I did indistinguishable thing. Stopped taking it due to length I be on it and had bleeding between period.
The first thing I notice was my cycle be longer. On the pill it regular as clockwork but after mine added about a week. And that plus or minus days not exact every month.
So in short, yes it's mundane. It'll take your body time to regulate it's own cycle again, a bit than having the pill contained by the system.

It's frustrating but it does calm down.

Girlz one and only?

I had duplicate problem when i came sour the pill too.Its just your body adjust to the change!This may pilfer a while as your body is used to having the pill surrounded by your system every day for times past ten years.x

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