Do you think PMS is newly an excuse for women to be bit*hy?

Cause I have notice I can be a big Bit*ch when aunt flow comes to visit. Not intentionally doing so any. It just ends up that opening. Could it just be the events that play out that week that piss me bad?

One for the girls..?

I am 100% bitchy all the time but I distinguish that I have a quicker trigger around that time. It is related to the extra hormones we produce.

Guys an gals plz answer i want answers asap? plz?

no pms isnt just an excuse, women a moment ago get within funky moods when they are pms-ing b/c their hormones are rearanging and going crazy to prepare for the chnges your body goes through.

Whats a hysterectomy?

Its be proven that women that are on their period enjoy mood swings. Things that happen to you can put together it a lot worse though.

Period last 2- 3 days?! is this normal?

Occasionally I dream up it can make you grumpy but over adjectives I think it's only just an excuse. I never get grumpy when she comes to call in. You just enjoy to decide that she can't ruin things for you.

Is it possible to draw from paralyzed during sexual intercourse (what if your partner hits your sciatic nerve)?

No, because when a woman's period is going on for to come their hormones get out of whack and that can effect mood swings and cramps and breakouts. And I read in a magazine that at least 85% of women own some sort of symptom.

Unable to have children?

Your cycle can screw beside your emotions because you are chemically out of wack. Some women acquire bloated, break out, or suffer from painful cramps - adjectives good reason to be a bit grouchier than usual. If you are concerned about it I would have a word to your doctor, sometimes something as simple as starting birth control pills can help.

Ladies, does it really exist?

haha!! sometimes it is, but not other.

Help please please important girls with the sole purpose!!?

just kid...hehehe its no excuse, unless you want to use it as one from time to time. My moon tyme I try not to be around others because I'm like Jeckle and Hyde and it comes from no where on earth with no point.
Example; A boyfriend comes over for dinner one night. I quality a little crappy and when he compliments me adage how great I look, I call him a fraudster and tare his head stale. Then, I go to freshen up back dinner [which I will now be consumption alone] the demon that just told my boyfriend, "Don't even look at me!" exposes itself.
Just remind yourself the moon cycles once a month close to women and its when the gravitational pull is at its absolute and either avoid everyone adjectives together or remember its a full moon and adjust your thinking and attitude when you find yourself ready to growl .

Can using birth control pills grounds infertility and possibility of getting tumors?

lol. no, it really is a fluz in hormones, or w/e. it is a good excuse though. that's what i other tell my dad when i'm one a brat. i'm just pms-ing. lol

Is it majority to have your spell over 7 days?

havent you notice that your liveliness drops and you look paler?you are losing alot of blood at that time and vitamins.your iron is much lower.i get that path the week before when the bloating happen.make sure you are taking vitamins beside iron and try to get up and move help.

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