My Gf is freaking out thinking that she is pregnant?

she had a period 3 days after we have sex but now she is freaking out becouse she hasnt had it contained by almost a month maybe 2. She refuses to turn to the Genotoligest becouse she is scared(she is under age =/) so she has nvr be and im just wondering if there is sum road to get her to go. im worried going on for her she is stressing out about it and i know that if remales stress it will even more delay. im not sure what to do can someone serve and give me some advice. THX

Yeast infection??

Have her embezzle a home pregnancy test. And since she will probably be embarrassed to travel get it, go next to her and if she refuses than buy it for her by yourself. I know at Jewel they aren't even in a suitcase. so just go to self check out if you are anxious. If it comes out positive have her go to planned motherliness or tell her parents so they can take her to the doctor on insurance. If it comes out glum let her know everything is alright and her period will come since she can stop stressing. Be supportive and become fully grown so she can have someone to rely on.

Should I relay him? How? When?

Get her to take a home pregnancy oral exam from the pharmacy.. that should relieve her stress.
If she is having sex then she wants to see a gyn for regular check up and get her on the pill for goodness sake.
Oh and what the hell are you doing have sex with an underage girl?!!??!

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she needs to thieve a pregnancy test. if it comes back refusal and she still doesnt get her period she requirements to take another in a week or two. if its positive, she desires to go to a dr. and figure some things out.


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how antiquated is she and go to the pharmacy get her a home pregnancy exam and if it comes back negative worthy job and have fun but if its poitive budge see a doc and how is if the gf??

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you go to the store and buy a ept test (preg stick) and lug it to her. that will say whether she needs to jump to doctor

Pap Smear?

i would have her go to resembling
planed parent hood..
so that way she wont be within trouble
better take care of it soon

I want assistance beside my boyfriend.?

of late get her to take a at home preg experiment


just make her clutch a pregnancy test 0_o.

Could I be Pregnant?

What could this be?
Yeast Infection? Please answer it's urgent!?
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