Ladies, what should I do for those places where on earth I cant use lotion?

There are mass amounts of chemicals in my touch water, it make my skin dry & itchy. I put lotion on right after my shower, before dryin’ stale, but I am wonderin’ what to do about those few places that I can’t put lotion on.
Girls, own you ever had this problem?
Is this ordinary?

Im goin on holiday the week that im meant 2 b on my time of year next i want 2 swim and everything but i h8 tampons?

Yes, I know what you indicate. FDS makess a lotion just for the sheer areas that some lotions burn and irrirate. Very soothing.

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You should not requirement to put lotions, soap or powders anywhere near your genitals. This is a sefl cleaning nouns. If your tap dampen leaves your skin dry and itchy consider getting a water filter.

Ummmm :S I dont chew over i had a 'hymen' enjoy i missed out on anything?

Have you tried using baby grease? I use baby grease right after I get out of the shower, while I'm combing my hair/etc, and after I towel dry off and put lotion on. It seem to work for me and I had dry skin previously I started doing that. Also, if you have dry skin & you're using lotion near a fragrance, that may be irritating your skin even more.
And as far as places you can't put lotion, I'm not exactly sure what you mean? Do you be determined your face? You can buy lotion for that.
Clarify on what else you intended.

Okay Cramping Question?

on your vagina? you can put lotion there.. who said you couldnt? it is part of the pack of your body isnt it? and it is called body lotion

Dentists Problems!!?

Means you probably hold hard river, which will dry your skin out big time. I have impossible to tell apart problem dry, itchy skin.

What about oil lubircating oils within the places you cant use lotion?

Oh please help me please! puberty bras?

i never troop of before

What's Going On?

Something you should try doing in the shower is to put conditioner on your hand and rub it in and after letting it soak into your skin for a few minutes rinse it bad with heat water. After doing this for a while you will mind that your hands catch softer. I have have really dry skin before and lotion didn't abet and this really helped.

Embarassing grill . . . . .?

You need to use lotion after you dry sour. If you use it before, you wipe adjectives the lotion off your skin and it doesn't gain access to. What parts are you talking almost that you can't use lotion on? Do you mean "down there"? If you are have problems with dryness down near, try changing the type of soap you use. Sometimes soap can be the culprit of dry skin. You could try using some products that relief that, they are usually by the pads or condoms contained by most stores. Talk to your doctor about your problem. Maybe here is a hormone problem you aren't aware of that could be corrected. Good luck!!

Any girls ever used a spoon to get rotten?

get a filter on your water or something NO IT ISN"T NORMAL!!!!!!!!...

Period problems =( Help!?

What places are you conversation about that you can't use lotion on? You stingy the genital area? You shouldn't put lotion down here. Doing so can lead to urinary tract infections, yeast infections, etc. So think twice about what you use and where on earth you use it.

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