Is this bleak?

I'm 19 years old, and I want a kid more than anything. Of course, my bf is the most sensible person surrounded by this relationship saying that we're too childish. I want to believe him, but I can't stop this nurturing instinct that's found me. When I try to just push it away, I get hold of moody (almost like I'm bipolar). We can't own pets where we live, so that rules out an animal need me, and he hates it when I try nurturing him. I'm running out of option!
What can I do?


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Sweetie, don't listen to ppl when they say you'll ruin your time if u had one in a minute, but unless you have a great income, and unless you are sure you are going to stay w/ the babie's father, consequently it's probably not the best idea to enjoy a child at this point... i know the feeling because i want a child soooo much as very well, and nurturing comes naturally for some women similar to me and you. good luck and hope you own a happy natural deserve it..god bless

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Offer your services at a hospital that have babies. Offer to be a person who feed or rocks the newborns contained by intensive care.

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Don't have a infant for the love of god you will ruin your life if you enjoy a baby at your age.

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you have a perceptive bf. get some counseling do discover why you own these thoughts. do yourself a favor. concentrate on taking care of you -this is essential before you can ever cart care of another duration.

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You know those poor kids you see on the infomercials? become a sponsor, or go to a immediate youth center and volunteer. you're way to babyish to have children.

Grow up and afterwards ruin your life.

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Maybe you can plan a good time, and kind sure its not in resembling 5 years or anything. Like plan it for when you are 20 or 21 and then since you enjoy that planed you can just be excited roughly the whole belief and plan for things and that year or so you will be so excited and it will give you something to look forward to. idk lol of late try to plan a good time

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Sweetheart, you're 19 years elderly! A baby at this age will not single ruin your life and your boyfriend's go, but it would ruin the baby's existence as well. You entail to focus on school right immediately or something else to take your mind sour of this. Babies need seriously more than "nurturing". You probably don't even have a assignment that can support yourself, let alone a little one!

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take up babysitting. Having a baby will transform your whole world. It is a huge responsibility and costs thousands and thousands of dollars. Think twice.

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Mlgable have a good thought in offering support in a local hospital, or I don`t know work in a daycare facility for awhile. That may do you devout, or maybe you will acutally resolve that you are not in so much of a hurry, after adjectives. Another thing you could do is to hold out your services to a local animal rescue league. They often own adoptions on weekends at local Petsmarts and Petcos. They are also usually pretty overwhelmed beside all the concern involved with the animals. They are usually unlikely to reject help. Animals are dependent, too, and very loving in return. You could also volunteer at a local elementary academy for reading or math tutoring, or perhaps the local YMCA/YWCA.

I own my period every other week very soon after losing my virginity. Is there something wrong next to me?

Sounds like you are totally focused on the concept of wanting a baby to nurture, **now**, and you are becoming a moment or two obsessed beside it.
If you decide that logically you are too youthful and not ready for a kid yet, next it's time to move on and focus on something else.

Think instead going on for how you are going to get yourself equipped for a baby surrounded by a few years. What are your life goal? What kind of college training, relationship, financial situation, career, do you want to enjoy for yourself, so that can give your adjectives baby the drastically best start in life span? Start working on those goals, knowing that reaching them may come across a long ways away right now, but the time will fly by. Focus on achieve each objective in smaller, sufferable pieces, and celebrate somewhat when you achieve a milestone approaching moving into an apartment, getting a degree, or landing a great post.

Wait to have your little one till you can provide a stable and financially sound environment. It will provide your baby much better probability of growing up healthy and successful. That's the most loving and nurturing item you can do.

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