Gross about my've been warn..?

ok,when i have my length.its VERY heavy.I parsimonious a super plus soaked in smaller quantity than an stays this heavy for just about a day.cramps so fruitless i cant stand feel like i'm within labor.
really...clots so bad...i own had my tubes tied & thats when this started.ew..
the PMS is horrific..I get VERY VERY VERY irritable..i perceive like i'm going out of my mind.

Hyper extended knees..?

Unfortunately that is to say one of the side effects from having your tubes tied. Very few Dr's discuss this beside their patients. I was going to seize my tubes tied 3 years ago, but after talking next to many women who have had it done..and one unbelievably honest up-front doctor, I decided against it. I am so glad I did. Everyone I know who have had their tubes tied have this as a side effect.
Talk with your dr to see if in that is anything they suggest you try to ease the bleeding and cramping.

Swimming and Periods?

Go and see roughly it. You can take hormones (the pill) to confidence it.

Are there any side effects after mortal fingered?

You need to gain into an obgyn immediately, if after hours, your local ER. That's nil to mess around with. You individual get one body, pilfer care.

Period cross-question, well kinda?

Go support to the Doctor and see what they say. Is it run of the mill for this to occur after have your tubes tied?

Wet underwear? after sitting down i notice that my crotch is drizzly. I have be wearing a pad?

Go to your gynecologist. They may want to try some hormone psychoanalysis.

Women's coils.?

go to the doc asap. might be endometriosis. might not. but it's best to go to the doc than relying on looking it up on the internet (i'm guilty of that, too)

After a hysterectomy, will I still to through menopause?

I would personally chitchat to your doctor about this. I know that I used to procure heavy period, and cramps so bad I'd cry and crawl up beside a heating wipe.but I'm on birth control now and it's regulated my extent.and even lightened it up. The individual thing is, you read out you have have your tubes tied.I would have a doctor check into that. Maybe something be done incorrectly, or depending how long ago you've had your tubes tied, your body is newly responding to it differently because it's not used to your "tubes one tied"...

I wish you luck and get the impression better!! Hope I've helped.

If my mom started her time at 13 and im 13 will i start it too ?

OK so whats the question? Have your hormones checked,see a gyn if you give attention to somethings wrong.(was the tube tie thing recent? if so might need to see if everythings ok?)

How much is a japanese quill straightening treatment??

Get a prgnacy test later go to the doctor and agree to your mom about it!

Im bleeding weakly?

See your GYN asap!

Do any of you ladies know of any exercises a woman can do during pregnancy?

That's not gross at all. Ask your doctor in the region of birth control.

I get really shabby and shakey after I excercise. why? What can I do to fix it?

I bleed really bad the second time of my period, but nil like you are describing. Although at times I thought I be going to bleed to death, over the years its gotten better lol.
My direction is go to the doctor--make sure everything is okay.

Women / nurses: What could this be? Period lend a hand?

if you're in the states
call upon loveline at around 10pm-12am pst (gmt - 8:00 i believe)
be sure to get within atleast 30 minutes early or something cus they've get a ton of callers and it's simply impossible to attain through during the show.

Help on hair! Girls singular!!?

Is your ? "Is this normal?" Talk to your Dr. If it be not like this back then it could be purely that your body is stressed by the surgery(you didn't say how long ago) or it could be something else wrong... or it could be your unusual normal. It sounds approaching a normal extent to me, cause I budge through that every month although since starting pre-menopause at least it is with the sole purpose 3-5 days instead of 7.

Please be serious. First time sex?

Sweetie, you need to receive to your doctor. You could be losing so much blood that you could become anemic. You need to attain your hemoglobin checked and it also sounds like birth control pills would serve you out. Birth control pills can help next to pms too. I also have my tubes tied but I am taking them to regulate my period and control my horrible PMS symptoms. They have be a blessing to me (and my family,lol). Just clear sure you tell your doctor adjectives of your symptoms because there are closely of different pills out with different hormone level and letting your doc know everything that is going on will relieve him to put you on the ones that are just right for you. Good luck sweetie!!


My friend who have also had her tubes tied have the exact same symptoms each and every month short fail. She is literally out of action with anguish for at least 2 days and vomits excessively due to this.
She believes that near are adhesions cause from the operation which are being torn next to the natural palpating of that complete area during the menstrual cycle.
She also have read that when an epidural goes the wrong opening, some of these symptoms are a side effect of that.
If you do find anything to help, she would be the most grateful personality, so please keep surrounded by contact if you do find something. Thanks.

How to use a vibrating egg?

Don't mess near this It could be depleting your Iron and cause other complications... The treatment is repeatedly as simple as prescribing medication or it could require surgery. See your Doctor ASAP and if he/she is not available go to a clinic,for an nouns and blood test to evaluate your blood for Anaemia, Iron less, Endometryosis, etc...
Good Luck

HELP!! Its something to do with my pee & vagina.?

Well, it might be gross, but I'll bet most on here enjoy been through it at one time or another. Good grief, we are women! It happen. But anyways, I'm kinda the same style. Just went to the doc's ultimate week for blood pressure and asked about this. I'm have blood tests done to sort sure I'v not become anemic from losing so much blood. Also going to get a pap and see if I own something wrong inside and "IF" so, then they will burn the inside of my uteris. That's adjectives I'v learned so far on this. Got my blood drawn, but don't turn back to doc's till rash May. Yep, the pms get's really fruitless too. I'm 41, and was told that I could be starting menopause. I asked how long it would help yourself to and was told it can give somebody a lift up to 10 years! (That is so not fair! LOL) But yeah, I could rip someone apart at times! So, I newly shut up and go stale by myself so I don't say something I'll regret latter. So anyways, your very mundane, like the rest of us. Don't verbs. Good luck.

What can I do to help my cramps?

Ask your doctor in the order of it. It could be dangerous as you might lose a great deal of blood in your body. As for your cramps I recommend you to just rest and drink aching relievers subscribed by the doctor. But you should not use it too often.

Lifestyle condoms?

I suggest that you progress to doctor to have yourself check-out. Its not conventional what you are going thru.. there might be some problem near your endo or other parts of the reproductive system. Its better that the doctor will advice you on how to clear things normal.

Itch? Gurls Only..?

The birth control pill may produce it lighter you need to sermon to your doctor

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