Is this majority?

is it normal for me not to hold a bf?
i am only 14...

How can i break my hymen so i dont hold to put up with the embarasment when my partner does it?

I'm 22 and i don't enjoy a boyfriend. No strings attached.

Helpgirls only please!?

dude, yes..chill, im 13 and i don't hold one. life ain't gonna terminate.

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it is totally normal. I hope you dont expect taht it is wrong not to have a boyfriend at that age because it isnt. some folks find boyfriends at different ages. It is normal. delight in being single. soak up being babyish have fun be a kid.

I really be aware of depressed, nervous and disheartening just back my period. almost every month!! what can i do?

I didn't draw from into a relationship until I was 17. Use this time and view other peoples relationships. Learn from their mistakes and don't rush into a relationship because it is bound to end only as fast as you start it. Plus, relationships tend to be chock-a-block with drama at such an impulsive age. Don't worry and simply take existence as it comes. You will be fine.

I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. what should I be drinking to help me lose consignment when exercise isn't enough?

Definetely. I enter into a relationship at the age of 19, it be a terrible experience. Enjoy man single, it's more fun unlike if your in a relationship.

Can female condoms be purchased at a pharmacist?


No you should hold a boy friend

Enjoy Life

Weird colored dischargeand I'm freaked out.?

I didn't get my first boyfriend until I be 17 and now I preference that I had never met him so don't be surrounded by too much of a rush :)

Does any other girl feel this opening about her body..?

It's more run of the mill than you think. Concentrate on have friends to do group stuff and have fun. Maybe the press you should ask yourself is do I need a bf at 14? Don't return with caught in the trap that cuz everybody have one I need to return with one too. Do things for the right reason, and yes you will know when it's the right time for you. I be 18 when I had my first bf and I'm glad I wait.

When ever i get my spell it comes4only about2days and is usually quite table lamp around the same time every month

Yes! Of course! Im 13.and i dont...i hold an ex... but boyfriends arent everything.soon enough a boy will come your style, but just enjoy fun for now and dont consume about not have one.

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