When ever i bring back my period it comes4only about2days and is usually comparatively light around indistinguishable time every month

im 17 is that weird i didnt carry it untill i was fourteen and my counterweight is 127 and im 5'3

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Some girls and women have short and desk light or scanty period all their lives. It's not necessarily a sign of a problem. It can also nick time to your periods to settle into a regular cycle (as in, several years) but if yours are regular in timing and their appearance, you may simply be one of the lucky ones who have light period.

If you're concerned, of course see a gyn, but if this is a typical pattern for you, it's probably only how your body works normally.

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is not that weird, but are you on BC pills?it is much everyday in that casing.

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thats pretty normal.your still going through puberty and your hormones are still adjust so i wouldn't worry around it

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Slim and Sexy. You're lucky. Most woman bleed out of their eyes.

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That is perfectly majority! every1's period is different! within is no normal and anomalous when it comes to period lenght!
hope i help!

Is it my period?

Sometimes menstrual cycles tuning or become really irregular during the first few years. If it has be like this since you be 14, I'm guessing it's probably a malnutrition entry. I'd suggest cutting wager on on the carbs and seeing if that makes a difference. It could also be a drug you're on that could be affecting the length and heaviness of your time as well.

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Honey, that's a good article. consider yourself blessed that you don't get lashing neverending periods that can be a concrete pain within the *ss. If you're really worried about it, after see a doctor, stress can cause your spell to be irregular and other problems. Make an appointment.

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