I enjoy Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. what should I be eating to back me lose weight when exercise isn't satisfactory?

Throughout my teenage years, I own gradually gain weight. I hold tried exercising more, not drinking soda, not eating nearly as oodles carbs as I've used to, even drastically limiting my portions, but to no avail. Now, at 21, 5ft 0in tall, 200lbs and roughly speaking to get married, I really want the consignment off. Please sustain.

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Hiya hunni,
I too own PCOS and was trying for a infant for 2 years and was have fertility treatment and was advise to lose some weight to relief my fertility.

I was advise to eat abundantly of protein and try to eat as little carbohydrates as possible. Also to avoid too much fruit as they hold too much natural sugar. Eat as much veg as you can.

One of the jaws of my vagina is bigger than the other and a little swollen.give support to what is this?

Some women do very ably with the low carb diets, and others bring a medication used to help patients who are Diabetic call Glucophage.

I would recommend talking to your dr more or less the possibility of medication to see if that might be an option that can be of give a hand to you because it sounds like you may be dealing beside something called Insulin Resistance.

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