Help...girls single please!?

I started my period 3 months ago and everything be fine. I usually had it at the come to an end of the month (usually around the 25). However, I still haven't had it for June. Is this mundane. ( I have NEVER have sex so I'm not pregnant!)


Late periods & anguish?

When you are first starting to have period, they can come rather irregularly. There are deeply of reasons, save for pregnancy to miss a period. Stress, dieting and other factor can also cause missed period.

Need advice, I might neeed surgery!?

It's middle-of-the-road for your periods to be irregular when you first start menstruating. It can appropriate a few years for your cycles to become regulated.

For the women?

It may still be a little irregular if you individual started 3 months ago

How many times a daytime are you suppose to go pee?

If you havent have sex than dont worry. Your cycle usually happen every 27-29 days. If I were you I would engrave it on your calendar or keep track of it somehow so you know when it is coming. I am sure it will develop any day immediately.

When were you in position?

In the first year of having your time your going to get irregular period. It's just your body one... wel however old you are. no worries

Do you gain cold easliy ?

It could be just a bit of your body adjusting to the change but if you haven't had one by the train of July, you might want to ask your mother to take you to a GYN for a checkup only to play it safe. I doubt nearby is anything to worry roughly speaking, though.

And save your virginity for when you procure married. Your husband will appreciate that and so will you :) My husband and I both waited and it's nice to know at hand aren't any other partners contained by the bed with us.

Is near any hope for sagging breasts after breastfeeding 2 kids?

yea i.e. normal where on earth you can go impressive, my friend sometimes do not have a extent until a month or two later, she checks beside her doctor and she was told that be normal but sometime is best to check beside your doctor, everyone is not the same..... please check to be on the not detrimental side.

After a total hysterectomy, what are the risks of not taking hrt or the necessities of taking them?

I understand your alarm.

Since I do not know what your "regular" cycle is approaching, I can only share beside you what my OB/GYN told me. Cycles can be affected by a extent of things, one of the most common human being stress.

Are you a student? Have you been studying for exams or otherwise undergone anything stressful?

What are the probability?

It's normal to be unregulated for your first year or so.

Female Orgasim?

this is regular at your age. you said you've only have 3 periods within your life, so your body is still adjust to controlling your hormones.

Birthcontrol Question?

Your periods will be a moment or two crazy...maybe for a year or longer. Keep a pocket calendar and blemish when the first and last sunshine of your periods are, and if you want to, blotch if your flow was solid, light, or milieu so you'll get used to what kind of products you'll want to buy. After a while you'll see a pattern and that will comfort you figure out if your cycle is typical or not. You're fine, just remember to be prepared at ALL times.

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