I've hear that when women live together, they menstruate together.?

but if a girl who hasn't had her first length lives around women who get their extent, she doesn't get hers from the hormones of other women, does she? or does living around menstruating women receive you get your length sooner?

thanks and sorry it's so confusing

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it is true somewhat that women over time will start to enjoy their periods on or around indistinguishable time when living together. i think its because everyones cycle date change. some are every 28 days some are every 21 etc. and because it change the cycle dates start colliding .

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If that is to say true, Lord help the poor guy who lives beside them

What is this?

It's true! I worked in a girls group home for plentiful years, and we had Midol and Chocolate week. Most girls would be cycling beside everyone else within three months. It be weird.

What's wrong next to me when.?

Very true. When I was 18 I lived contained by a house with 23 other women. We adjectives syncronized within 3 months. Even those that be on the pill complained that their periods be late/early. It was really gibbering. Especially when PMS kicked in. Lets a short time ago say, here were alot of fight.and chocolate.

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it isn't confusing and women living together do start around the same time =a younger one won't start this until she have started her periods

My age is 30. i enjoy four childrens. my vagina is too loose becoz of births. my husbend is not satisfy next to me

Haha... yeah ive heard that too. Not sure if its completely true, but I have a friend who had 3 elder sisters and they pretty much menstruated either a couple days past or a week before/after each other. Its wierd. From my exprience, my mother usually get hers like a week up to that time I do. I dont know if its a myth or a fact, but I purely gave you my belief.

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For obvious reason I have never one-sidedly experienced this, but I've known women who hold. This is true, as bizarre as it sounds. Women that spend a great deal of time together sort of synchronize their internal clocks such that they adjectives begin menstruating at roughly like time each month. Sometimes they obtain so tuned in, their period start and end in hours of one another.

Now if you haven't yet gone through puberty, you won't suddenly start have a period beforehand your body is ready to do that. It's not similar to you can pick up hormones like radio top or anything.

Help! Girls Only!?

Go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/mcclintock_... to read about menstrual synchrony- but it does not address if have your first period is related to one around those who menstruate- I would not think so.

Does have a period expect you are fertile?

no that's not true. The female hormones are not transferable to another womanly. Each female have her own hormones that is responsible for the ovulation time of year which then proceeds to the menstruation term if not fertilized. There are factor such as stress, food, lifestyle and genetics that affects the hormonal system of a womanly person.

Hope this aid you in what opening...

Have any other women out there feel this before and know what it is?

It wont put together you get your preiod sooner, and if you are newly starting, this effect wont really help regulate. When you are young-looking, your period is natrually irregular and it may appropriate a few years to regulate even with other women around.

But yes! The effect can be true for women who are already technically regular.

Is dierah and gas a sign of your period is coming?

dunno hun

What does this show?

I don't know weather or not it will effect your first initial period, but yeah, for some strange judgment, when women live together for awhile, they cycle around the same times. only one of life's unusual little mysteries.

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you wont start from hanging around next to your friends that have. but yeah it can be true. when i used to be reaaaaaly close to these 2 other girls, we adjectives used to get it at duplicate time. then one time, we adjectives got it, me and one of them have it for a reaaaaaly long time together. so we unsynchronised from the other girl. a few weeks later, we have an arugement and dont talk to her anymore. mayeb it be phycic. lol. anyways. yes they do synchronise. its quite funny tbh at home, contained by the bathroom, eveyrone trying to sort themselves out. (: x

Pat smear?

Living with inhabitants whoe menstruate won't make you return with your sooner. But you will menstruate at the same time as women you spend like mad of time with. I don't know why. Me and my best friend contained by high institution always did and our moms did at equal time too. Its some hormone thing.

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Check your calendar and see if it has anything to do near a Full Moon.

Help please?

you won't get your time sooner. only your body know when it's time. but when it does come, and you have a few cycles underneath your belt, you will start to synchronize with women you live next to or spend a lot of time near. when I was a pubescent, my mom, her best friend, my sister and I all started roughly a day apart. it be weird, but at hand's something about it. kinda resembling sympathy pains or something.

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You have be misinformed; all of those statements are untrue.All of the answers to your question are"no."Please educate yourself on this topic so, that not a soul can fool you or mislead you.

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i think that's true.
my gf ever told me roughly that.
when her sister got interval,she got hers too.
since u also ask matching question,consequently i think is true.

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In answer to your question, it is contained by my opinion that women who reside within the same house or living situation do attain their cycles with contained by days of each other. For example while surrounded by basic training, adjectives of the girls had their period within days of respectively other creating a dominoe effect. I don't really know why this happens, except that possibly we are all contained by tune with respectively other. Hope this helps! The site below will dance into this topic further.

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