Have any other women out near felt this in the past and know what it is?

It starts off as a cramp or you touch like your stomach is cramping, and afterwards the pain seem to travel down to your butt. And you feel approaching you have to use the restroom.similar to a stomacache, but when you try to go, zilch happens and zilch comes out. It's like you are constipated. It also hurts to sit down and it feel like the muscles within your butt and tailbone are kind of clenched and locked up. It is the worst niggle ever and all you can do is lay down and dawdle on it to pass. What surrounded by the world is this? I ask because my mom was surrounded by pain because of this one hours of darkness and I didn't really take her seriously and thought she be exaggerating but then the subsequent night, I feel it too! It had me surrounded by tears. Perhaps the worst part of it be the feeling that you needed to use the bathroom but when you tried nought happened and you be in even more misery. Do you know what it is? It is gas? Muscle spasms? What?

Low sex drive/sexual interest.?

Actually, I know exactly what you are talking more or less, but I've never figured out what triggered it.

Does pooping hurt or is it basically me?

thats never happened to me .

Fibromyalgia after childbirth?

Could be that or a urinary tract infection....If this persist you should go to the doctor.

A deodorant give somebody the third degree?

Could be siatica.

From wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/sciatica...

Sciatica is sometimes severe pain cause by general compression and/or irritation of one of five impudence roots that are branches of the sciatic nerve. The torment is felt contained by the lower back, buttock, and/or varied parts of the leg and foot. In addition to backache, there may be numbness, muscular low standard, and difficulty in moving or controlling the leg. Typically, the symptoms are simply felt on one side of the body.

Although sciatica is a relatively adjectives form of low back agony and leg pain, the true goal of the term repeatedly is misunderstood. Sciatica is a set of symptoms rather than a diagnosis for what is irritating the root of the impertinence, causing the twinge. This point is important, because treatment for sciatica or sciatic symptoms normally will be different, depending upon the underlying effect of the symptoms.

How often should you shave down here?

maybe its something you both ate. since it happened to both of you. conceivably its a virus. go to a doc.

no this never happen to me before.

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