Is it normal when u first start ur term it is brownish then when it stops u still own discharge?


Yoga question?

Yeah i other have discharge close to 365 days a year (unless i have my period) and when i first acquire my period its brownish, hey we must be twins!

How can i loss wieght nifty ??


Do ovarian cysts ever come OUT? Like, when you're on your period!?

thats totally mundane. dont worry

Help i enjoy been experienceing a sharp spasm in my ureathra.?

You are totally ordinary.

Is it o.k for a girl to think something like sex as much as a man?


Im 12 on my first period i use pad and im on my 14th day?

Perfectly middle-of-the-road, nothing to verbs about.

Reg term on 4/152 day term on 4/292 day interval on 5/23, bloated all month and moodywhats up?


My boyfriend and I own had sex alot and i still bleed what am i doing wroung?

A "brownish" discharge is not unusual. Menstruation results from the discharge of the uterine facing because a fertile female is not pregnant. The body expels the "uterine lining" because it is not required to protect a fetus. An extremely "blood red" discharge would give more alarm than a "brownish" discharge.

Many young-looking women, through various medical reason, have menstrual period that others consider "abnormal". I did not have a "normal" menstruation" cycle until I be 22. I was pregnant twice, have two "spontaneous abortions", and pregnant a third time was told I be not pregnant after blood tests and a physical nouns. For four months, I did not have what most women consider a "regular" time of year; but, did have bleeding stale and on. When I was finally diagnosed as pregnant, I have to have progesterone shots every week until a month earlier my child was born.

My point is, some women do not crash into the category of "normal". If you think your "periods" are peculiar, unusual, consult a physician. If the "abnormality" continues, consult another one, and another one, and another one.

I had like peas in a pod physician from the age of 18 until I was 21. His credentials and reputation be admirable. I trusted him. He be recommended to me by the person surrounded by charge of the College Infirmary where I attended college. He administered the blood test required by the state at that time of people who required to get married. I do not glitch him. I was not a feminine whose body confomed to the "average".

Is it a late interval or not?

yup yup

Ladies: a question for you..!!?

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