Period question... relief help comfort?

The blood from my period is similar to a dark brown almost black looking color. When i put a tampon in it feel like at hand is something blocking it, like within is something in the way and it hurts a short time. Is this normal for a length? I'm 15 and i've had my time since i was 9 and never experienced this. I am sexually busy.. but only protected sex, and the second time i had sex be a little over a month ago, formerly my last period(had no troubles beside my last period). I've single had sex beside one boy and that is my boyfriend of 2 and a partly years. He was also a virgin. So.. please minister to, is this normal or what? Serious answers solely please. (Please no too young to be have sex lectures either)

Period problem.?

people voice that when they have sex their bodies alteration.

Is this normal? PLEASE ANSWER PLEASE!!?

I don't know the correct answer but mine usually that colour to and have been for a few years in a minute, im not to worried and im not dead even so. . . lol! I think your fine! It's a short time ago one of those things!
Yeah the part give or take a few the "no too young to be have sex lectures either", if you feel your season enough and can switch the responsibilities of having sex afterwards it should be all fine!

I'm 37 an other horny, is this a cycle or what"?

usually it is that colro towards the end of you rperiod... it shouldn't be a problem... but if you are sexually involved you should be seeing a gynecologist yearly at tiniest... so find one and get a regular one and when you own questions similar to this you can call him or her and seize a professional answer to your medical questions...

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