If i own white blood cells and blood within my urine what is wrong wiyh me?


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Infection within your urinary tract, kidney, or both. White cells are present within the bloodstream when there is an infection.

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call a doctor

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you entail to see your g.p as you may have an infection of some caring

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white blood cells show your body is aggression an infection blood could be from kidneys see a doctor

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Urinary Tract Infection.
I'd suggest you go see a doctor.

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Not too sure going on for white blood cells but blood surrounded by your urine is a sign of kidney failure or a kidney disorder.

I own a kidney disorder myself and I have blood contained by my urine. It is not visible blood (I can't see any when I jump pee) but its there. If I be to have marked blood in my urine that miserable's my disorder is getting worse. Too much protien in your urine is also a sign of a kidney problem.

Have you already seen a doctor? If not I would suggest one. Go to your own flesh and blood or general doctor and ask to be recommended to a specialist. I've be seeing one for years now. He runs test on my urine, checks my legs for swelling and checks my breathing.

There is medication you can take if it is your kidney's. But depeneding in the disorder you may own to catch it breakneck so see your doctor.

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White blood cell in urine


I enjoy had three urine sample done and they have come support with white blood cell in. What could this wreak, and what can be done a bout it?


Thanks for your email. Usually there are no blood cell in the urine as the kidney does not allow blood cell to pass into the urine and the blood have no contact with the urine in any mode.

If however there is infection of the kidneys or the bladder or if here is inflammation due to the presence of stones, immune disorders, allergies or growths anywhere along the genito-urinary system, blood can get into the urine. White cell are most likely to be see in the urine where on earth infection is present as these are the cells, which combat microorganisms. For similar reason we see white spots on the throat when we have a sore throat and white head on our skin when we suffer from infected acne. The white areas are collections of white blood cells, which form pus.

So your ask should not be what can this cause, but what is the produce. The likely explanation is simple cystitis from a bladder infection. The subsequent step is to send a preview of urine away for culture and sensitivity to identify any microorganisms and to decide which antibiotic would be the most appropriate one to use within order to eradicate the infection. Should no infection be present, further test to measure kidney function and to outline the shape of the kidneys using X-rays may be required. Cystoscopy to directly attitude the inside of the bladder using a narrow flexible telescope is another prominent test. Finally the Zydol tablets you are taking for your arthritis might only be to blame as they are capable of cause urinary retention, allergic reactions and disorders of the blood surrounded by their own right as a side effect.

I'm sure all these possibilities are self looked into by your doctor.

Good luck,

Yours sincerely

Dr Hilary Jones


I need to Know!!?

as a med student, i suspect that if you go to the hospital or doctors they would have told you that you hold Hematuria. it starts in the kidneys, its not time threatening so dont worry too much. only go to the doctors and ask them is it doomed to failure enough for antibiotics. except, pleanty of water. the correlation below will give you an insight as to what i said.

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