What would happend if I go surrounded by the girls bathroom and ask them to touch my private parts?

I want to do this and I want to know how would they react

I'm 4 1/2 months pregnant and I've had a headache for the later week. Should I see my doctor right away?

Try it. If their smart, thery'll kick you within the cajones and have you arrested you littl perv.

Girls solitary?

try it ... im sure some girls would actually do it.

What could it be?

You would obtain hit with sexual harrassment so nippy it would make your little go before spin and make your parents die of embarassment. If you deduce that its something that will make you popular for what anything reason I cant envisage then you are wrong. So if you do it I wouldnt count on getting a girlfriend for a exceptionally long time. Just my opinion as a girl.

Pregnancy and extent?

It depends on who is in the restroom at the time. One of three things would come about.

1. Woman or women approached would run and tell regulation, who would call police, who would arrest you.

2. Woman or women approached would run and relate boyfriend/husband and you would be severely beaten.

3. Woman or women approached see you in the nuts, flog you about the leader and shoulders with the Tampax appliance, run and tell their boyfriend/husband who come and severely fluff up you. Woman or women approached then run and give an account management who hail as police and paramedics. Paramedics arrive, resuscitate you and take you to the hospital. Police arrive at hospital and arrest you.

I would discourage this behavior, but unsurprisingly, the choice is yours.



What might happen is not esteemed.

What is truly important is that you don't do this.

You hold posted this question any as a joke or because you are calling for assist.

Please seek some professional relief before you do something stupid and possibly hurt someone else.

You might be best to put your own fetish to one side for a moment and imagine of the feelings of those you might impact.

I trust you are smart adequate to do what is right.


Are you aware of the Danger of Guardasil?

they'd either yell and call you freak and see your butt, or if they are whores, they'll do it

What's wrong with me? Sex issue.?

firstly, if you are over the consenting age you hold to consider that you want to go into the girls toilets, not women's toilets. If however you are below the age of 16 and you want to go into the girls toilets and do this, you will other be branded a pervert or weird. This could freshly be a fantasy, zilch is the same contained by reality.
Just dint do it, weigh up the pros and cons of this afterwards you will see what I mean.

Is size 00 too small?

if i be there, i will donate you a nasty look and go off immediately and will remember you forever as the girl that asks strangers to touch her.

I am lone 14 and my nipples and breasts have be sore, why is this?

YOU ARE SICK...I have said this previously and I will keep clich?? it until it kicks surrounded by or people stop responding to you, obtain a life achieve some help and stop asking these strange inappropriate question..not to mention the same ones over and over again only just with a different verbs to it.

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