Yeast infection?

ok well it burns and its itchy somtimes..its extremely red by the "hole" and when i cart a shower and wash stings reeeally is it a yeast infection or what? and if it is how do i take protection of it?..

Plase help mevery confused!?

If you've never have a yeast infection before, you want to see a gyno before you do anything! It might be a yeast infection - but it might not be, and you're putting your reproductive form at risk by not getting it checked out.

As a note, stinging to me imply more of a bladder infection or an STD. Yeast infections are generally basically itchy.

Birth control?

Go to your physician.
After intercourse, get up and pee.

Everytime i touch pain?

Try some over the counter yeast infection tablets and if it doesn't clear up, go to the doctor because it could be something else. It could be an STD.

Lady examine?

yes, see your physician; or to avoid the visit you can try OTC monistat.

Yeast infections enjoy nothing to do beside intercourse.

Has anyone heard of using vinegar to cure a yeast infection?

If nearby is a foul smelling discharge to go next to that then yeah, conceivably.. If it is yeast infection there are creams and suppositories contained by the drug store...Over the counter stuff that kills it.. But it could be various other things that you might want to go enjoy check by a doctor... Yeast infection can be caused by antibiotics if you enjoy taken some recently or at some point up to that time your problem started.. It is also a problem for people beside diabetes. You can cure it natural also.. There are a few great cures that assume that it is cause by the Candida bacteria taking over where on earth there is suppose to be diverse other bacteria keeping you smelling nice and verbs.. Try a goggle search for the Candida cures...

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