Plase help me...unbelievably confused!?

please help me! I hold been to the doctors 3 times presently with severe lower right abdominal stomach-ache that comes and goes, tenderness and dizziness. The doctors haven't got a clue whats wrong and hold sent me for an ultrasound scan wihich I get contained by 4 weeks. They also told me to put a urine sample within for testing and it have come back twice very soon contaminated.
What does this mean and also what do you assume could be the problem judging by the symptoms?
please aid as getting continually worried!
PS I have have a coil since December 06
Do you think that the coil could own something to do with it?


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Hi,you entail to calm down & keep on for your scan.The waiting is always impossible.So try & keep inhabited & let us know how you grasp on.Good Luck

Anyone else suffer from post natal depression?

Try drinking cranberry juice as it could be a bit bug and that will relieve it until you are diagnosed.Good Luck

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The usual suspect in such cases is the Vermiform Appendix. If the Tests enjoy ruled it out, the next possibility is a dying out case of right side herniation of the Intestines or a quantity of them into the space below the lower wall through a queer case of fluke fortune.If this be so, the scan will show it and surgery or manippulative therapy is indicated.Trust the Diagnosing troop and co-operate and accept the surgical pick if recommended.It is a relatively less complicated surgery.

Well, the Coil. in that is nothing it have to do with this.

Mammography vs Culture..are in that certain populations that find mammography to be difficult?

I've get a coil and have pr obs every very soon an then seemingly at hand is a bug we carry that lies dormant most the time but some family get a prob as the bug doesn't resembling the coil for some unknown reason. will i could remember wot it woz called but it may give support to the doc..
my doc said if it carried on to go to GU clinic as they own better equipment to find out things to do with coil.. also test are carried out there and later and the risk of cross contamination is less likely
hope this help!!

A Very Serious Question?

well i have have the same problem for going on for 4 years now and my doctors still don't own a clue why.
most morning not all i hold very fruitless pain within the lower left side of my bowels and hold really bad twist, its not every morning its about 4-5 times a week, i also perceive dizzy at times to but when i go to the doctors they only just don't seem impressively interested, i get person in charge hakes as well but again they lately fob me off to see a specialist who in recent times says all right i don't see what i can do, its hell but just maintain going to your doctor and demanding they help you

HELP (sex)?

Make sure the urine example is given in a proper container - ask for one. Ask for a referral to hospital - this could be anything and an precipitate diagnosis is important. The cranberry liquid idea is worth trying - it could be cystitis - cranberry liquid sort of makes the pool liner of the bladder slippery and the bacteria can't stick to it so slickly. GP's got a big wages rise and most earn lb100,000 a year and they treat kids with snotty nose - bloody ridiculous! You should have be refered to a consultant who has the culture and experience and the equipment to make a proper diagnosis.

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I had lower right discomfort also and I went to my gyn and they did an ultra nouns and blood tests to form sure it was not a cyst or some munificent of problems with my ovaries. My audition came final ok so then I go to my regular doctor and it ended up anyone IBS and he gave me a perscription which help with that. It could be something resembling IBS do you have any constipation or bowel problems next to the pain?

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This is a "Kidney stone" problem, don't verbs consult your doctor again, they will give you treatment.

I merely asked a question around cramps but..?

i havnt a coil but going same thing im going 4 scan too see whats up plz email me the results [email protected]

Is it regular to cramp.?

...and you think we on are qualified to enjoy a better idea than your doctors? Thank you but I'm not going to appropriate that responsibility. After making sure it wasn't "user error" on your part, ask the doctor why he/she think the tests are coming stern contaminated. Does the doctor ordering the testing know you have a coil?
As frustrating as the medical profession can be at times, they are your best resource right presently. Short of motivating you go rear to your doctor or perhaps a tidbit of knowhow, the only entry is going to do is possibly mislead you or give you inexcusable hope.

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I think you might own a swollen ovary; but it sounds pretty bad if you're dizzy; you should insist on a second evaluation or if you don't get any good cheer from your doc go to a casualty department out of hours. Hope you're o.k !

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the coil is definatley your problem, the doc wanted to fit me beside one but i have friends who hold had loads of fruitless side effects and when i mentioned this to the doc she said yes it was true that alot of population complained of these things. my moto if it doesnt belong to your body it shouldnt be there

So im on birth control and i enjoy been bleeding freshly a little bit everyday for times past month. WHY?

If the urine came wager on contaminated and the doctor suspected a Urinary tract infection then he would enjoy treated you right then and within for it with antibiotics. If the doctor is sending you for ultrasounds he probably suspects something for a time bit more. Most of the time woman with own ovarian cyst that are nothing and they can create severe abdominal pain. I have a feeling the doctor thought it was some type of infection later they would have given you the appopriate medication to treat it. Don't verbs about the ultasound because it usually ends up human being nothing or something amazingly minor.

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