I am 12 and...?

Well last time I have my period (my first time) it last about 13 days.Nd...this is my second time starting and I hold been on my spell for 2 days...and I don't want to go that long again...and I bleed heavily...and I be late on this one.

What is exactly this G-Spot stuff contained by women?

If you just started have periods afterwards their going to be irregular because your body is just starting to seize used to the fact that you are have periods. Don't verbs sweetie, your periods will become regular as time go by. For the meantime just be merciful. There is no way of making your period shorter unless your on birth control, and sometimes with some birth controls some women don't own periods. Otherwise lacking birth control you can't make your period shorter. If you have long period then you basically have long period. There are plenty of girls and women who do. It's all fragment of becoming a woman.

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You are normal. It will be awfully irregular for the first year or so and it may last a long time at first or come and go each time till your body settles into a outline. Your period may not ending as long this time or it might last a moment ago as long but you will have to linger and see.

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Its all regular... periods are exceedingly irregular and usually heavier when you first get them... as you find older... they will even out and recede heavy but dont count on it stirring over night ... it could thieve anywhere from a few months to several years...
woman to woman... you just gotta grit your teeth and accept it...
it will get better tho honey


you cant really do anything to facilitate that. since you have purely started it can take up to a year previously you have a regular spell. dont worry more or less not being prompt and how long you have it. (unless you are sexually helpful which i hope to god you arent) over time your body will adjust to a cycle. exercise helps shrink pain and sometimes shortens the amount of your cycle. but to be precise about it.

Two menstrual period in one month?

No big do business you are normal!

Can I lose AT LEAST 10 lbs by August 5th or sooner? If so, how? I really appreciate accurate answers. Thanxs.?

it is normal to own abnormal period when you start getting it

Kotex tampons, women only?

Because you've freshly gotten your period, you won't know how to expect a "normal" period for a while. Sometimes it take a while for your body to adjust the hormone levels. If it doesn't go and get better, you may have a serious robustness issue. Heavy periods shouldn't second longer than 5 or 6 days and the bleeding should taper off toward the downfall. See a doctor if it doesn't and TELL YOUR MOTHER! When you're a bit older, if you're still have problems with regularity etc, you can speech to your mom and your doctor about going on the pill or other treatments similar to that to help regulate your extent.

Other things that can contribute to irregular periods: stress any emotional or physical, bad health, hormone levels and shipment problems. If you lose too much weight, your body will stop menstruation entirely.

How do you use a tampon?

I would see a doctor. It's conventional to be irregular in your first year, however, bleeding for 13 days is not run of the mill under any circumstances. Whenever I bleed for that long, it generally means a cyst have appeared. You're probbly too young for something approaching that, but bleeding for that long is nothing to mess around near. See your doctor and get everything checked out newly to make sure it's zilch.

Crazy mood swings?

I had crazy period until I was tiniest 18. You have to deduce hey I am still growing your body is going to do all kind of goofy stuff. I had tremendously heavy period when I was immature, and I started when I was 12 too. Check beside your mom, I found my period symptoms to be hugely similair to hers. I had worse cramps when I be younger that lasted 2-4 days. It will receive easier as you get elder you body will become more used to having period. It's still new for you body, so hence human being irregular and heavy and sometimes not :)

What does it expect when you miss your period for 2 months?

dont verbs at all your body a moment ago needs to go and get the hang of alla this. i know i started at 10 and im 16 now. reach a deal to your parents if u feel u can or a doctor they can bring up to date u ways to get medical serve. if you cant talk to them please contact me no inevitability for u to go through this callous stuff alone

[email protected]

How can you prevent spots when your due on your period?!?

Unfortunately when your body change it continues to change for a long time. Your period are no exception, they will be irregular, last different amounts of time and different ache and pains. Being told normal doesn't other make you consistency better but trust that we all enjoy been in attendance and its hard. Hard one a girl! What you can do to help is simple. Make sure you embezzle an iron supplement when you have you interval as heavy bleeding can depart you very tired. When you are comfortable within trying them, you can use tampons to help beside the heavy blood flow. (virgins can use tampons if you be wondering) You cant shorten the length of time they will progress for though with out the pill which I wouldnt reccommend until your elder. Hot water bottle can assist with ache and nurofen for pain. Also some docile yoga or stretches can help the tightness surrounded by your tummy. hope this helps.

First time? please aid me!?

If you don't want heavy period, try to get on the Pill when you're elder. OLDER. Like when you're 16. The pill makes it so your period are lighter. Only do it if you really want to. Talk it over with your parental unit and doctor. But until then..newly ride it out. Every girl has that problem. It's totally unconscious and nothing to freak out over.

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Talk to your mum something like going to discuss your questions near a doctor who solves these issues

Is this normal i'm 15.?

periods are incredibly irregular for the first year or two. but 13 days of stout bleeding sound a bit unusual. dont freak out though! progress to your doc and see whats up. at the very least possible he can give you birth control pills to back regulate your cycle.

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