Im 13 and wanna have sex but I don't own my period on the other that possible?


I got a sound out?

You're too young to be thinking roughly speaking sex!

Where can u find a doctor around?

If your 13 you really shouldn't be having sex. Although its possible, you still enjoy the parts.

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the real sound out is why are you 13 and wanting to have sex? Girls your age should be worried roughly speaking going to the mall and starting HS soon. God what is the world coming to?!

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As a mother, my first response is to not have sex at the age of 13, you enjoy only simply begun and at hand will be plenty of chances and probably more times than not you will grasp hurt before you find Mr. Right. However, to answer the cross-examine, it would still be possible to have sex but it may be tight as your body may not be able to produce fluent lubricants yet. You could go and get pregnant if your body has started puberty as you could ovulate at any time. Taking precautions to not be a mom by 14 is unambiguously recommended.

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it is possible but FYI you are too young to be have sex. even if you do get your interval at 13. you are not ready to hold sex because there is a risk of you getting pregnant which scheme you will be a 13 year old beside a kid.
please wait until you are at LEAST 16 or 17. really your not missing out on much and if you do own sex when your 13 you will get the reputation of person easy and it will stick next to you all though out your in one piece schooling.

Girls.need ur advicesex press?

Why do you wan to have sex at 13 yrs ripened. Your way too babyish.

Tone body, fast?

You might have a feeling like you want to enjoy sex but please believe me there are loads of things you probably want to do right immediately. Your a teenager and yes your hormones and discipline level go out of the pane. I appreciate that BUT this is a tiny period of your go. Do you really want to have sex for the first time next to some BOY who will forget about it within a few weeks after he's put it in some other girl or do you want to endow with something that men cherish (your virginity) to someone you love

Are clots during a period run of the mill?

Yea it's possible but, you shouldn't be thinking about sex if you are 13 years infirm.

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If you just said it's true for you, next yes it's possible.

Monthly cycle? Make it last shorter?

Don't enjoy sex

Is it ok to take a birth control pill beside soda?

You're too young to enjoy sex end of story.

Why is it that men dont approaching to wear condoms?

I know ... you're too young too childlike too young. I know at 13 you are tired of audible range it.. Believe me I remember. But trust this... " everyone's doing it." does NOT mean everyone's doing it. Eventually you are going to save count of the number of guys you slept with ... and once that number starts to bring higher... Guys are not going to want to be next to you.. Kind of see you like a public bathroom.. You know.. too abundant people own done their business there. I'm not saw it's impossible to be with one guy your unharmed life... but seriously.. Think give or take a few it. I was surrounded by love at 12 and was next to the guy for 2 years... Didn't sleep with him.. And I'm glad.. Cause I couldn't see... Most people I know and friends ( they are within their Mid to early 20's) hold been next to 2-4 people.. if that.. and they didn't start till their unsettled teens.. I know some friends who started early.. and.. They enjoy been beside 10-20 people already! Just looking for the right guy.. once you do it.. it doesn't seem to be like a big concordat any more.. so... it because less connective.. and believe me when you find that one that you do connect near it's the most amazing thing you will ever experience. Don't dally cause you are too infantile... wait because you should treasure your body.. you are a hot babe... and lone the best of the best should get to touch it .. ( believe me near is no 13 14 or 15 year old boy to be precise the best of the best.

On top of that.. When you start to think of who the other citizens slept with... Think nearly it... two people sleep togeher afterwards the boy sleeps with another girl who sleeps beside another boy who you sleep with.. if any one human being in that tie up has caught an STD... That way you mid as well own slept with adjectives of them cause anyone down the chain could have passed down a disease.. If one personage did drugs.. and got something from doing drugs.. It's thoroughly easy to do that.. I have a friend who had a complete breakdown thinking in the order of what could have happen cause her one boyfriend have and ex girlfriend who did drugs.. the guy was great and so be my friend.. but she didn't know if he could have caught something and didn't know in the region of it... There is alot to know before you own sex... and just when you feel you know enough.. you find out near is more... Just look at the number of women on this site still asking questions.

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