Washing question (Ladies only)?

What is the best thing to use to swab "down there?"

Brown Vaginal Discharge usual?

hyrdrogene peroxide on a damp cloth

Embarrassing cross-examine..!?

summer's eve products

PMT help ladies!?

lactacyd...or consult your OB for the right PH for you

For women who did sit ups after pregnancy, how long did you own to do them before you saw results?

I find that soaps beside fragrances or dyes tend to burn me down there. So very soon I use Dial (Gold) Antibacterial soap. Or you can use the Summer's Eve Feminine Wash.

Can someone help?

Soap and marine...you can use baby wipe if you'd like some freshening up in between showers.

What can I do give or take a few these stretch marks?

there are special products voor women. similar to lacatcyd


not sure how the products are called surrounded by the USA

but these produts are good for the pH stability.

Proverastill no period even so!?

soap and water

Is it possible to deferment premature menupause( age 32)?

I use Dial White Antibacterial soap and a spray shower. I feel resembling I'm not clean if I can't detach the shower chief and direct the water to my girl parts.

What are the effects of Yasmin birth control on your body?

Soap and wet are best, and I would try to avoid using anti-bacterial soaps. Antimicrobials and many feminine wash kill past its sell-by date bacteria that are supposed to live near, and leave the means of access open for opportunistic problems resembling yeast infections, etc.

I'm 5' about 105lbs i'll be getting implant about 450cc's does anyone hold an idea how big this will be

Don't use antibacterial soap.That can fold the balances and what nots of down here. Just use a dove bar of soap when taking a shower or hip bath. Be careful of aromatic products because they can cause urinary tract infections .

Is it normal to own i guess what looks like discharge from your nipples?

I lately use regular bar soap and melt water.

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