I think this is true what do u deduce?

i recently searced on google nearly if the hymen has nerves within it or not?
and i found out that it doesnt have nerves what so ever because after the women reach purberty the hymens nerves die in demand for the mensual flow to pass through

what some women may perceive when first sexual intercourse happens within not the hymen but the vaginal wall that the hymen is connected to which infact does have nerves obvoiusly
but the hymen does enjoy blood vessels which is why some women bleed the first time also

so i guess girls that are afraid to use tampons jump ahead the hymen doesnt have nerves anyways lol

Plz abet!does a circumsizing a girl has an effect surrounded by her sex drive?

More than 70% of virgins don't have hymens. It's so fragile that horseback riding, bike riding or easier said than done falls can rupture it. Usually the pain is completely minimal (unless the guy is doing it wrong) and caused by the vaginal walls have to stretch to accomodate penetration for the first time. The bleeding (if the hymen is intact) is cause by the ruptured hymen or from friction against the vaginal walls. Most girls are so nervous their first time that they win dry and it makes it worse.

What will crop up if you take your birth control pills damaged?


Can somebody out there assist me? im really hurt?

Interesting. and it makes sense to me.

Tubal ligation?

hi men

large men

i'm in


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