Problem Urinating...?

I've be have this problem on and bad for something like three years immediately. It will be be my bladder isn't even a third of the method full, and I will quality similar to I really own to run. So I'll try, but find that I can't. I've be to thousands of doctors and an expert (forgot what they are called), and I enjoy have a catheter. The doctors are adjectives stumped. Any lend a hand? I really want to know.

(P.s.) Would PCOS pertain to any of this?


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Do you enjoy a prolapsed uterus? Have you be pregnant or lost immensity? From the sounds of it you might hold a UTI (urinary tract infection) but you've be to doctors & they would hold prescribed antibiotics for you. I haven't hear of PCOS affecting your bladder, I would hope out specialist.

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you may hold a yeast infection or enjoy something stuck in your bladder or vagina

I haven't get my length nonetheless and i am 13 should i verbs?

own u tried going to a gynecalogist? (idk if i spelled that right!) i hope ure doing better soon! hope this help! correct luck!

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i have duplicate problem and it comes put a bet on from time to time, adjectives the specialists could come up near after lots of test, ultrasounds, etc... be that i own a spastic bladder and they really didnt do much or provide me anything that help me, so approx a yr after have my daughter it "flared" up again so presently i rob cranberry extract each day and try to drink lots of hose down and cranberry liquid it seem to back me, hope some of this help u
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