Embarrassing ask..!?

i want a vibe. but i am too shy to buy one. what are other things that could give bad the same pleasure and not be as noticeable?! thanks for your give a hand.

Can a large penis overstretch a vagina?

A lot of stores, approaching Bed, Bath, and Beyond or Joanne's, sell battery-operated powered massagers for non-erotic purposes. They are a b- to clean, but they hold a really strong vibe. Works great.

Why american girls like bisexual guys and kiss other girls?

Just suck it up and bring back a vibrator. It's betterand healthier than sticking unselective household items up there.

I enjoy large breast and hips. I revulsion them..?

i totally feel like way! hopefully someone will hold a good answer..

If i dnt come on my term for 3 months?whats wrong?

buy one off the lattice! they come very discreetly package!

I have a yeast infection, and my dr, give me diflican and I took it saturday, and i am still itchy why wont?

uhhh, experiment..
go buy one if you want it

I get only 1 answer up to that time.. SO IM GOING AGAIN!.. Q's bout pregnancy the pill and PIMPLES YAY variety!!!

You can lay down online. And also do be so afraid of what other people have an idea that. If you want a vibrator, its ok. Your just fulfilling your sexual wishes. Don't be so afraid. This answer comes out of honesty. And I am a guy. So don't wonder if I have experience.

I am 5'1 and 130lbs is that heavy?

I have this ashen duck that my husband bought me for valentines day a few years ago. It is call "I rub my ducky" It is wonderful and looks just resembling a rubber ducky. Just don't let the kids play next to it. You can get it on-line or at any insubordinate store. I think it cost roughly $20.00 Have fun!

What does it mean when u single get ur length every three months?

order one through the mail. they will be discreet when sending it to you.

Do girls pee out of a diffrent hole than they masturbate in?

order one through the internet discreet or apparently veges work all right

Specially for doctors(but anyone can answer)- My sister?

Just go to a women friendly store instead of a porn store to bring one. The sales nation will be women, and almost all of customers will be too. Best piece is the saleswomen will be able to guide you within picking out the right toy (because there are a LOT out there).

Check out the following store and find something resembling it in your nouns.


Am I the only womanly who finds it hard to own an orgasm during intercourse?

You should buy one on the net. Google 'Dear Lady', and you'll find a impressively good site for discreetness, cost, and service.

Issues beside birth control?

A washing apparatus on spin cycle and a broomstick.

Morniong after pill problem help please?

The palpable alternative is a battery powered toothbrush. Just be thoroughly careful how you use it.

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