Can I exercise during period?

I jump rope and do other execises for abs, hips etc...

Menstrual Cycle?

Of course you can. In certainty, I've heard that the exercise can assistance with cramps too. It's especially great to exercise until that time your cycle (PMS) because your metabolism is increased (that's why you get hungrier). The increased metabolism will relieve you to burn more calories as long as you don't eat anymore and exercise will solitary add to this.

I come up with of women when I'm masturbating?!!?

sure you can

I am female - 85 yrs and suffer from constant bladder infections - I lift antibiotics but does not work. HELP!

yes, and actually exercising will relieve great when you are cramping!

Getting fingered?

I can't believe people enjoy to even ask this question...don't you tell to your mother? OF course you can.. you can do ANYTHING on your period that you do when you don't hold your period..GEEZ...except perchance get pregnant but I wouldn't doubt that some unlcuky woman have.

Should I start a support group for women whose bodies are ravaged by the effects of vaginal dryness?

Absolutely! It is a great road to retain energy when you're awareness sluggish and it can even help relieve your cramps.

What should i weigh?

assalamoalaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatihum sister!
I dont excersise contained by them coz even walking too much causes getting tired too against the clock (during first 2-3 days). As u loose blood and therefore iron and homeoglobin level go down...Ur brain cant function as capably coz of lack of oxygen supply...Just close to anemia ...But as long as u arnt bleeding too heavy or something u can excersise but I construe its better not to. Do ur daily routine work (although thats not exersise but still take energy) and I think do resembling a five min small exersise(to relax muscles if u like). Dont do crunches. They increase the flow which u dont want, not even ab king pro. I believe my fow would also increase by jumping so I wouldnt but next its up to u.
Hope I could be of some help,walaikum assalam warahmatullahi wabarakaatihu.

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