What is the function of G-spot in vagina?
What is the right age for menstrual cycle?
enjoy u seen it,abundant people read out it does not exist at all.and if it does its similar to a small penis at the entrance of vagina.
Do the cervical cancer shots HURT?
it gives more exictmentTo return with u more "high" and get surrounded by the excitement faster...
Im have a discolored discharge and it wont stir away..?
pleasure!If i have white blood cell and blood in my urine what is wrong wiyh me?
It give excitement when rubbed and caressed beside fingers and with penis during intercourse..G-mail speed pure "ENTERTAINMENT".
It gets u on to the highlight of orgasm
I want to get a tattoo on my hip bone area/lower ab. does it hurt?
An erogenous zone that when stimulated lead to high level of sexual arousal and powerful orgasms.How dose someone get rid of yeast infection by themself?
To carry the man utterly CONFUSED!!- When did you lose it?
- Breast infection? Which doctor to see?
- Scared for period!?
- Is thier any way to make you period come sooner without BC pills?
- I'm a moment or two worried roughly speaking my mom.?
- I am anxious to use tampons?
- Is my daughter able-bodied base on these facts?
- What cause vaginal thrush & what is the best means of access to treat it...i am 26 years ancient??