I stipulation a gyno exam! HELP!?

I went to my 1st gyno pop in today to meet my doctor. she give me a list of item to expect at my first actual exam next week. here it is:
breast exam
pelvic exam
pap smear
bimanual exam
rectal exam
rectovaginal exam

I dont know what these are! Somebody pleeeease explain them adjectives to me and give me a walkthrough of what you deduce the whole exam will be similar to.

I'm 17 n i need helpany females wilin to help mepls?

it's better if you odn't know but i will agree to you know so you don't get so shocked.
the breast exam is roughly the docter feeling your boobs.
pelvic is when the doctor feel your vagina inside and out he will stick two fingers in to check around
pap smear the doctor will insert a speculum to open your vagina and next use a swab to scrape some cell and they send that to the lab to check for std's
bimanual i surmise is when the doctor puts fingers in your vagina and presses on ure lower stomach for any unusual feeling
rectal is when the doctor sticks his finger in you butt hole (rectum) to check for any bumps, and you might feel the urge to use the bathroom when they do that so they usually give u a suppository which is a touch waxy item the doctor will insert into your rectum to make you use the restroom so you will be cleaned out and wont travel during the exam even though you will feel the urge to.
a rectovaginal exam is a digital rectal exam i believe that inserts some sort of camera in your rectum to check for anything wrong.

the nurse should embezzle you through the steps. more descriptively. not to scare you or anything this does hurt but you won't die.
im me and i will explain more.
honest luck

Skipping Periods?

Perhaps you're better off not knowing until you jump next week.

Irregular period.?

Your breast exam will be similar to what you do, or should be doing, once a month. She'll just consistency for lumps. The pelvic exam should include the pap and bimanual exam where she'll insert a small device call a speculum into your vagina so she can see your cervix and she'll take one or more sample from the cervix and it will go to the lab and be tested for HPV/cervical cancer. The speculum will be removed and she'll later insert 2 fingers inside the vagina and will be pressing up while she's pressing down on your abdomen beside her other hand asking if you hold any pain-she can feel your ovaries this method. As for a rectal exam, she will insert a finger into your rectum and she can check for other problems with the cervix, etc that process.

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They will stick a finger in your vagina and anus. They will feel your breasts. They will stick a long q-tip surrounded by your vagina for the pap smear- you may feel a pinch. Nothing throbbing..might be a little mortified or weird since you own to spread them lol but it's gonna be over fast and it's not fruitless at all. Going to the dentist is much much much worse!

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You can google them adjectives.

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There is really no pain involved in any of the procedures. The switch word is RELAX. The more you relax your muscles the easier these exams will be. I always dreaded the rectal. I wouldn't tolerate her do it. But finally I just go ahead and it wasn't all that impossible. It was over extraordinarily quickly. You can do this...Millions of us enjoy. Just a suggestion, you might want the dr. to order you a few Valium to cool you down before you hold the exams. I did this before my first breast biopsy. Once I know what to expect, and found it to be relatively painless, I went to the others minus the help of the Valium

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