I can't speak about my mom!?

i've been having my extent for half a year. 5 months ago, my mom found out, and she gave me pad, and now I need more. I can't steal her's because she uses tampons (and I don't want to use them!! plus she will find out if i took some). So what do I do? I merely can't bring myself to tell her. Each time I think, "ok, i should purely tell her" but it is soooo awkward and embarrassing. besides thinking in the order of my period just make me feel bad almost it.

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Part of growing up and being mature is anyone able to talk just about embarrassing things when you need to. You shouldn't discern bad about have your period because most women have period. It is an experience that we all share.

Do you keep a grocery schedule at home? If you are too embarrassed to tell her, write "pads" or "sanitary napkins" on the enumerate so that she can pick them up next time she is at the grocery store. If you don't have a register at home, try writing a little stick note for her and be off it in the bathroom where with the sole purpose she will find it.

I really hope that you get the courage to tell her. I am surprised that the supply she bought you last this long, and it is totally reasonable that you would need more. If your time starts again and you have no pads disappeared, you will be forced to wear wadded-up tissues and toilet paper in your panties, which can dive out and be much more embarrassing.

I hope I helped!

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I used to be duplicate way and I would just throw away the box and when my mom emptied the trash, she would see I was out and buy me more. I also wrote her log saying that I needed more. The first time I needed more pads I if truth be told talked with her and said, "Mom, I want more pads." and she responded, "Already?" I didn't realize that you only wear a wipe while you are on your period. She bought them for me.


It can be really embarrassing to hold to talk to your parents about this stuff. However, it's certainly natural, and nothing to be anxious about. :) If you feel awkward, I don`t know you could write her a note, or add "pads" to her shopping account.

Your period is nothing to surface bad about, it's a without a flaw normal and natural entity to have happen. (Hard to believe, but you'll catch used to it before too long.) Good luck!!

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Ask your mom for $5. If the store is close by walk down and buy them yourself. If you own a friend whose mom you are close to you can probably ask them for a ride, or some pads. It isn't anything to be embarrassed something like, it happens to every female and its due to occur for a lot more years. Your mom will understand, but you want to enjoy something on or you'll make a mess and that is even more mortifying.

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I was like that when I first get my period. It really isn't a big deal to your mom. It is something that every girl will turn though. Pads are something that you need. Next time your mom goes to the store explain to her you need more pads. You might discern more comfortable if you ask for a few things like deodorant, toothbrush, pads, and soap. Something approaching that. Your period is something that should not embarrass you. It might be a pain though.

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period should not be embarrasing at all!

all girls jump through it, imagine even your grandmother had them. your mother have to talk to your grandmother about them and of late that thought should take away your akwardess haha.

really, just speak "mom i need some pads" and she'll buy you more. she probably thinks that you would use her tampons and it shouldnt be a problem if you took some, its your mother! but im sure she didnt be set to to leave you hanging in attendance.

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Okay, i know you *think* its embarrassing n stuff but shes your mum! Shes been here and goes through it herself! Its nothing to be ashamed or ashamed of, in time you will realise this. Next time you go to the supermarket, freshly get some pads and put them within the basket, she probably wont say anything as she probably know your embarrassed by it as you said she only of late found out. Failing that, you could just buy some yourself. You cant go short! xx

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Why not write your mom a little note? Just voice, "Dear mom, would you please get me some more pads? " Don't perceive bad about it, honey, we've adjectives been through it. You'll get used to it. It is a certainty of life. Soon you'll be laughing that it was ever such a big operate. Then, it'll just be you & your friends complaining about cramps & wondering who have any Midol or Pamprin.

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Why on earth should you feel unpromising?? Every girl goes through a period! If anything, your mom will be lively you two will have something to somewhat "bond" about. Or at lowest possible that's how a lot of my friends' moms were.

Just relax, pilfer a deep breath, and maybe start the conversation sour with "Okay, this is embarrassing but..." She'll totally fathom out.

Women can read minds. She'll find out one day. 8)

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having your length is just a part of natural life girl!
if anything your mother may be enthused to hear that her little girl is growing up. :]
a period is something you shouldn't own to hide, and stealing pads from her will only make her even more confused when she finds out you kept it from her.
just report her you need to talk, and narrate her about your news.
goooood luck!

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i enjoy the same problem im not that close with my mum and it is slightly embarrasing. so all you gotta do is either pluck up the courage and ask her she wont mind. of late say something like mum when are you subsequent going to town. she will answer and say why and just read aloud could you pick me up some more pads please. or simply just stir buy some yourself :D

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oh wow...i was EXACTLY the same track! Honestly, she doesn't want you NOT using anything at all so you have to ask her, it will adjectives be fine and it's just the anticipation that's the worst...just acquire it out there! Once you ask her the first time it will be a lot easier to ask her again.

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I thought it would be awkward to report my mom I needed pads when I started too, it was at first, but I get used to it. I need them so I ask, so do you, don't be afraid. You're not the only one within the world, just remember that!

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OMG, just relate her, or go get your own pad. Its not like she doesn't know you are menstruating, or anything about menstruation.

She KNOWS by the route, that you are stealing her pads, whether she uses them or not.

Put it on the grocery list.

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Hunny in attendance is absolutely nothing to be flushed about! In this situation try not to think of it as asking your mum, estimate of it as asking another female ~ someone who understands what you're going through.
Or ask your mum for some money and buy some of your own!

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i dont know why you would feel bad i.e. normal for all girls and women to own so personally i think you should jus ask ur mom for some pad and im sure she would help you without a problem at adjectives trust me it is not that bad.

How long??

if your mom had the sense she be born with, she would have a supply for you contained by stock surely. as you have already had a interval a while back. just come straight out near it and sak mom for some she,ll be cool lol.

Period request for information?

Buy them yourself.
Or if you have a sister, ask her to buy it. If not then merely make sure no ones around and just come out and articulate it. You'll feel better once you tell her and she buys it for you!
Don't verbs about it!
good luck

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Right.. Here We Go ... There NOTHING to Worry About TrustMe.. Yourl Look Back On This And Think Omg How Silly Was I Being! :L Haha I Was Like This... Right Take Her Side.. Say You Wanna Show Her Something Quickly.. Or Make An Excuse For Her To Come To You !!... Then Just Say .. Iv Just Come On My Period Have You Got Any Period Pads ?? .. And Then Your Sorted!! .. Trust Me Its Easy:) Just Go For It ! xxxxxxx

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It is honestly not a big settlement, just ask your Mom to go to the store near you to buy them. Your Mom probably suspects that you need more; after all she did progress through this too.

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Go with your friend and buy some yourself..Or just procure over your fear and tell her..really, isn't not that discouraging! Me and my mom talk about adjectives that "girly stuff"..She's gone through it and won't think it's weird..

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Yes you can narrate your Mom. It shouldn't be embarassing or awkward for you. Your Mom is your MOM don't ever be afraid to talk to her about anything...

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She have her period too, it's not like you're the individual one in the world. Just ask her, get over the awkwardness.

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newly say "mom, i have my length! i need more pads, please!" =

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this is the type of things that MOM's are for.

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why would you be embaressed when everyone requirements them.

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you could text her when shes at the store or alone

or you could write her a note

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write her a short write down "can you pick up some pads for me at the store please?" You can add "please don't inform anyone. I don't wanna talk about it right presently. thanks!" Just slip her the note and she'll take to mean.

You should be able to talk to her though. If not, find someone who you can address to. I absolutely hated my extent (and still do .. and I'm 26 now!) and I refused to share anyone EXCEPT my mom. She bought all my pads and stuff for me for years. Eventually you'll return with used to it and it will be no big deal to buy pads for yourself. For presently, just write the note.

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dont verbs i get like you, too shy and embarassed to ask :)

you could :

bring up the courage to let somebody know her;
add it to the shopping list - if you dont own a shopping list then basically make your own, and add a couple more things to it similar to mouthwash, shampoo, etc
text her - less awkward than unfolding her outright

but if i were you, i would tell her! she is used to buying them and period!

she is most probably wating for you to ask! she'd be happier that you asked her for some, than didnt, confusing her!

dont worry, just ask, she SERIOUSLY wont mind, its completly typical, not something you can help!

good luck! you will grain happy you told her afterwards


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