
do you have to own sexual intercourse to get pregnant

Hanging meat on vagina?


Artificial insemination get rid of the need for that



What could result in this?

well no, you can get artificially inseminated although it costs money to do that. It's free and straightforward to just engross in sexual intercourse.

I am going through Menopause. I am not taking hormones or anything else at this point.?

Short answer yes

Where can you go to grasp the birth control IUD?

No but it is highly unlikely. Sperm requests to enter the vagina and if it gets on the outside and somehow the swimmers are making lap and get it ther it is sllightly possible

Really intense sexual emotional state leave me thought scared & fear for my Safety.?

Yes, how old are you ? That is the single way you can catch pregnant unless you are artificially inseminated.

Pubic Hair?

unless, you use IVF, than HELL YEAH

woah, if you actually don't know...!1

What cause bad odor down in attendance? Aside from not bathing.?

No you dont u can get a turkey baster full of potent sperm and receive pregnant

How do you really lose weight brisk and keep it rotten?

Techincally, no.


no. you can also use artificial insemination or invitro fertilization.

Why would I be having such unforgivable night sweats @ 26yrs mature? What can I do about them?

yep, fun is a short time ago the bonus.

Period + swimming= ahh. PLEASE help?

no, nearby ary many ways to dance about it.

as far as the sperm meet the egg in a risk-free eviornment

I took my first the depo-provera shot. When can I have unprotected sex?

for regular conception. unsurprisingly.

but theres also injections of sperm from sperm donors.

Do herbal suplements really enlarge your breast size?

No. There are numerous ways to attain egg and sperm to meet and acquire the resulting embryo into place.


And then in attendance are "splash" pregnancies where the semen get on the female's genetalia and plenty sperm manage to find their style in for one of them to fertilize a waiting egg. It's atypical, but it does happen.

Periods during pregnancy?

nope...let say the boy does his item and gets some on his hand and as soon as hes done he touches the girl or if he does his thing on a girl and it runns on to her special place. here are all kind of ways to get pregnant

What sympathetic of changes can your body budge through to cause you to skip a spell?

Pregancy typically involves intercourse, but there are exceptions. Example: The process of within vitro fertilzation does not include intercourse.

Fertilization typically takes place when sperm deposited inside the vagina swims into the uterus where on earth an unfertilized egg is waiting. This usually takes place beside gential-to-genital intercourse.

The lifespan of a sperm cell outside of the warm, moist environment of the vaginal wall is not massively long, under most circumstances - 20 minutes to 1 hour. If it dries it is no longer viable. Inside the vagina, viable sperm can finishing for several days.

However, if viable sperm is close to, or introduced inside the vagina (perhaps on a finger?) and can then be paid its way inside the uterus earlier becoming inert, it is a possibility.

Why are teengers the most target of sexual abuse?

No.. You can ejaculate in close proximity the vagina as well

Period ??


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