Why when on your period does it touch like spmething in your repruductive system is stocky? Like Gravity is.?

trying to pull it out.?

So rough but that is the singular way I can describe it.

Is it how you drink while not n your period, what is it?


Does anyone elses spell slow down at night?

Your uterus contracts to go and get the lining out. I enjoy cramps too. Dammit!

Ladies, do you think a guy can touch wearing a bra?

you have a build up of fluid as resourcefully as all the blood within your uterus =this is why you have mass and pains=what you eat hasn't get a thing to do beside it

Any advice please?

Hm. All I can consider of is that it's another form of cramps. I know what you mean though. It feel like your uterus is literally a short time ago dropping through you and onto the floor.. and maybe through the floor and into the core of the globe.

I've spoken to my ob/gyn about it and she say that it's just another form of cramps. She say that most cramps we feel are the ones at the top and front of our uterus, and when we own them at the bottom, it feels unwieldy. These kinds also brand name me feel approaching I have to pee... so if that's what you are opinion, it's probably just cramps.

Midol doeesn't really work for me, and I'm not supposed to help yourself to Tylenol, so I either pinch regular Ibuprofen or Advil.

My weight is..?

There is nought wrong with you. Women draw from heavy surrounded by their reproductive system. you may have a filling flow coming. and the pain is the cramps you may be getting. it is zilch to be ashamed of.

Changing boob Growth :S any Ideas?

I think its because your muscles are contracting while on your time. Its a horrible sensation. There are things to help lessen the extent of it during your extent. I've heard that if you pilfer ibuprofen a couple of days before your length, it helps reduce the muscles while they're contracting. Of course, I always cessation up forgetting because it doesn't bother me before my spell, but its supposed to help. Also, heat pads sustain too...just another road to help the muscles relax. Ahhh the joy of being a feminine lol.

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