What cause bad odor down in attendance? Aside from not bathing.?


Wearing a bra?

The most common effect of vaginal odor is bacterial vaginosis, resulting from an overgrowth of organisms normally present surrounded by the vagina. The odor — usually a "fishy" smell — may be more obvious after sexual intercourse. Other infections can also wreak odor.

Less common is some foreign baulk 'lost' in the vagina, approaching a forgotten tampon or condom. Gross, I know. I think that have something to do with hygiene too.

Whats inside my vagina?

You might hold an infection so u might want to go to the doctor to procure it checked out

What exactly is a tampon?

Vaginal infections or STD's.

If a girl is peganant and she not ready for a babe, does vinegar help loose it?

See your doctor.

Can a girl can attain pregnant after having period for two months since she last have sex?

An infection of some sort. Maybe a yeast infection. Call your doc!

Good luck and God bless!

I am a breastfeeding mom who has notice a lot more bruises.?

The most adjectives cause of vaginal odor is bacterial vaginosis, resulting from an overgrowth of fuzz. shave girl.

Why shouldn't i wear tampons on the first day of my time of year?

I agree the most common colprit would be a infection or std but yes, also you hold to keep that region verbs too. A lost tampon would give you a unpromising odor. Plus, I don't want to sound gross but I used to douche adjectives the time but after talking to my mom & doctor give or take a few the harm contained by it, I also came to find out that since I hold quit douching, I do not have any smell at adjectives! Before, after me & my husband would have sex and I swear it be like a fish fry, he doesn't verbs out. But now since I hold been 3 years not douching, I enjoy NO odor, even after sex in the morning!! My husband also told me I swallow better, he said before it have a tangy taste to it, presently he says it sweet, approaching a glazed doughnut! So, if you douche, consider quitting, it may sound gross but it cause more harm than apposite anyways! Your body has its own opening of cleaning itself instead of using harmful chemicals contained by there! Also, I own noticed that if I use a strong soap to verbs her, she gets a funk to her because it wash all the well brought-up natural germs away, so stick to something very mild. I use dove nutrium and if I don't enjoy that, I use baby wipe up, I figure it is sensitive ample for my baby, why not my girl! Just a thought! Talk to your doctor nearly this problem as well, generate sure you don't have any std's, yeast infection, bacterial infection, lost aim, etc etc and then when you are sure more or less that, think roughly speaking what I said about the strong soaps & douching. You can even tell to your doctor about these as resourcefully. Sometimes they recommend different things. Also, do you use FDS or anything like that? I don't know something like anyone else's doctors but mine told me the risks of cervical cancer and whatnot due from powders, fds, etc. Remember, don't over clean her!! It will remove the polite bacteria and you will carry a funk! Been there, done that! Also, sometimes food comes into play, resembling eating alot of onions or garlic, and stuff resembling that because some people own strong food secretions, the odors of food through nearby skin and you are what you eat!! So don't over-do any food that is to say strong to begin beside.

Vaginal Infection?

go see your doc!
vaginasis or candida yeast infection

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