Re-tested for result of virus after what amount of time?

antibodies take time to develop after man exposed to HIV virus it is recommended to be re-tested to confirm your result for virus after what amount of time?
withn six months or one year? how long?

Bumps under my arms? possibly razor burn?

For individuals at risk, I believe the standard is to be tested every 6 months. If someone thinks they be exposed, they would probably want to wait at lowest 3-6 months for a first test and follow-up beside regular tests every 3 months for a year or more to confirm a distrustful test.

My breast is completely big and fat I want to reduction my breast what is the solution?

Usually you should get tested every 6 months.

Yeast infection?

if you own more than 1 sex partner in smaller quantity than a year get checked 1 time a year

Why did my spell stop?

6 months

Have you ever had an orgasm doing stomach exercises?

Being in the military, we generally get tested solely once a year.

Help.. im really worried..?

well if ur very anxious do 3 months consequently after another 3 so thats 6 months if ur patient 6 months usually is it and a max of 9 months but the 6 month result usually is right for most pple antibodies will own developed by then also its impt not to expose urself again so that the results can be valid

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