Is it majority to enjoy your spell 4 months surrounded by a row?
Answers: yea
Hell no.
You should have it EVERY month. own you spoken to your ob/gyn yet?
You're pregannt. check if you have gotton any types of shots before this happen and go see a doctor.
you should own it every month once for 5-7 days Its normal to hold your period 12 months surrounded by a row. Duh!!
nonstop later somethings rong
but it should only finishing like one week every month if it be non stop then no that's not normall..but if you get it once every month then specifically completely normal. Your supposed to take your period once a month every month!
you should hold it EVERY month! for 4 months nonstop NO! You should hold it for 3 to 5 days every 28 days, approximately.
Guess I was messed up also becuase I have it the begining and end of every month when I first started but next it went majority just once contained by a great while they're early or overdue