Where be the most embarrassing place you have got your length?
Do women in 2007 still use a diaphragm as a form of contracetion?
surrounded by my boyfriends bed he had white sheetz he told his mom he have a nose bleed! lol
At work - Thank GOD I have on black pants that sunshine!
On an airplane. Worst two hours of my LIFE!
When can a women perform the sex will not receive pregnant is there any term?
school, and it was really noticable. i go home right away to change loli am so blessed. never have an oops when starting i did have a few oops contained by school when i first get it though
As soon as school started within the morning with no sanitary napkins or tampons handy. One long sunshine!
Is it possible to be pregnant?
I was on the phone near my boyfriend and I about said im on my interval.. But I stopped myself.In modern times girls are not wearing underwears?
When a guy was more or less to go down on me.My cousin's house.
And my cousin's friend was in attendance!(15 yr old BOY)
- If u believe Twinkle's conclusion about our sexy world,do u believe we have equator length of joined decks?
- Is this normal?-girls only please?
- Fat? help pls?
- What age are you supposed to start doing breast checks?
- Are you comfortable beside conversation give or take a few your spell?
- Does pre term symptems renovation beside age?
- Period signs??
- Thyroid Question?