Sex for the first time?

well before not long ago around a month ago i kinda had sex next to this guy..his penis was kinda big so it hurt ALOT..and i be bleeding all over the condom.because it hurt i told him to stop.but im pretty sure his penis go in somewhat bit or else i wouldnt enjoy ready to hold sex so dont tlak to me about nuptials or w.e i dont ccare.i jsut dont know about the there any entity i can do to ease it and how long does it hurt for and will i bleed again the subsequent time i have sex? and will it hurt everytime i enjoy sex?

Dont wanna sounds anorexic, just wondering.?

The use it hurt was it be your first time and his penis broke your hymen. That is also why you bled. That's 100% normal. It be also stretching your vaginal walls, which is a little mortified at first. Next time you have sex, you will not bleed, and while it may be a bit mortified when he first enters you, it won't hurt once you go and get used to it. Don't worry.

(girls only) Weird Question!?!?!?!?

See your doctor.

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It sounds approaching you just broke you hymen, and if it be your first time, then it be. It won't do that again, because it is gone now. It will also create you to bleed when you do break it. Next time if it still hurts or bleeds or w/e, make him stop and travel to a doctor. That could be serious. Good luck!

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You probably just tore your hymen. It shouldn't hurt anymore once it's heal over.

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it almost other hurts the first time, it will get smaller amount the more u do it, but u need to see a doctor u might hold a tear within ur vagina if untreated this could be serious.. -Nay

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It should NOT hurt every time, nor should you bleed every time, especially if your partner uses foreplay to ensure YOUR body is as ready as his is. Your body when in position is self lubricating and relaxed and open, unless you enjoy some unusual medical conditions.

If there is misery again, there are treatments, lubricants, exercises, that can aid a LOT. Talk to a doctor or nurse, or a clinic educator. You SHOULD obtain checked if you are starting to be sexually active, to ensure your long residence health (and joy, too).

Use condoms. You can get pregnant or STDs even minus full penetration or ejaculation inside.

I'm getting tired of this Question anyone else?

It hurts if you don't WANT it... and I stingy REALLY want it. If you have doubts surrounded by your mind about the being or the action... it will hurt. You may find that you are a touch young to really want sex. If that's so... evacuate off for awhile. Waiting NEVER hurts. When you are organized... not just excited...but equipped! You'll know. Use a lubricant if you're in doubt. It PAYS to hang about til you're really excited! Lots more fun! Hugs, Gina C.

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Discomfort and some bleeding is regular for the first time or two when you first begin to own sex. Make sure he goes at YOUR step in demand to reduce the niggle. If it hurts, tell him to run slower. By doing so, you're allowing your body to adjust to the change of his penis inside of you, so it is smaller amount shocking/painful. If the bleeding is excessive and lasts beyond the subsequent time you have sex, I would markedly make an appointment to see a doctor. Good Luck!

Yuck! assist?

It should not hurt every time. Make sure you have profusely of fore play before intercourse. Your partner desires to patient beside you and make sure you lubricated since he enters. It is righteous that he stopped because this shows that he respected you and did not want to hurt you further. I can't say if you Will bleed again, it is possible though. Just lift it slow, and have a intellectual capacity partner.

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Hi ~ I should make clear to you that I"m an RN with plentiful years in OB & Gyn. I will try to answer your question. 1) It is normal for intercourse to be for a while painful the first time. Especially if you're coy. 2) Some bleeding is normal because the hymen have been torn. 3) IF your partner truly care for you, he will take the prerequisite time to pleasure you and prepare you before he tries infiltration. (At least 20 minutes of foreplay.) It might be humiliated initially, BUT it should NOT be painful. As you relax, and become more accustomed to him one inside, and IF he takes it slow and serene, the discomfort should turn to pleasure. You probably won't have more bleeding subsequent time, (possibly a little spotting) unless he is too rough. NOW, since you are equipped to be sexually active, you MUST be responsible and attain yourself to a doctor or health department for a gynecological check up. No excuses. And what-ever you do, NEVER own sex without a condom!

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Next time you have sex next to this guy, you sit on top of him, that road you can control how much of his love muscle goes inside of you. It sounds approaching he broke your hymen that is why you be bleeding.

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