I'm thirteen and taking diet pills.?

i just took a couple today
& i consider i wanna start taking them every day
(their my moms, but she doesn't enjoy to know...)
it's called;

"damiana" or something.

& can you give an account me how they work?
do they just produce me not hungry?
or eat away margarine?

if they make me not hungry
i must guzzle when im bored.
cuz i am still eating :/

Answers:    diet pills are totally wrong for u...
wutz wrong next to u?

why dont u exercise and go on glowing diets
STOP TAKING THEM! they are really bad for you diet pills are terrifying..especially if theyre the ones that are similar to speed. they make u jacked up, and so youre not hungry...u can loose your sex drive too.

yours might be knock offs or something, effect trust me they really do work

u dont want to take them, theyll mess up your in one piece system. i talked to my dad in the region of them just the other sunshine and he says theyre thoroughly bad for your strength.
To be honest, you shouldn't be taking any diet pills at all, especially ones that are not prescribed to you. At your babyish age of 13 they can do a lot of mar to your growing body. If you feel resembling you are overweight, do the obvious, start exercising and watching what you guzzle so you don't eat plentifully of foods that are high surrounded by fat content. No pill is going to work at making you lose shipment. Okay, first of all, you don't start taking pills resembling that. You don't know anything about the pills. Next, diet pills are not well-mannered for you. Do some research. Find out about how unpromising these things are for you. If you want to lose weight, do it the hearty way. The solitary way you can lose counterweight and keep it bad is if you get hygienic. Healty=Skinny. Exercise, eat right, don't overeat, drink wet, have plenty of intact grains, fruits, and vegetables. Don't drink anything with moderately hydrogenated oils aka trans fat. Eat organic food. Limit dairy and meat.
Don't appropriate them anymore. It's a bad notion. If you are concerned about your counterbalance go to your doctor, or try exercising. Your body is still growing!! If you reflect you still have infant fat it will progress away really soon trust me. I had matching problem. When i grew a bit taller, the fat go away. Trust me, you don't want to take those diet pills! First of adjectives. By your picture your beautiful, and you shouldnt be taking diet pills. They are completely dangerous. If you are concerened just about your weight, only just eat right and excersize. If you hold hit pubirty, you need to set your body contained by the right manor, so you dont have to contest with mass issues when you get elder. I advise you not to pocket diet pills altogether. They are really harmful to your body and your soo babyish.
They make you not hungry.

Dude, unify swimming team, or soccer. soccer give you the best body! You're not fat. You're thinner that "average" so shut up.
you shouldn't be taking diet pills, your good-looking just the passageway you are. Don't let anyone else's perception of you correction the way you perceive about yourself. Diet pills can be completely dangerous and detrimental to your strength, you're still young and you can basically stay active and travel on a healthy diet. Diet pills can mete out many unpromising side affects and most of the time they don't work so try to push them aside and stay healthy.. (and by your picture you are pretty) no worries! You should not be taking diet pills at thirteen years of age, that isn't undisruptive or good for you. They're not even markedly good for adults.
Now, I don't know how towering you are or how much you weigh but unless your BMI is 25 or over, you shouldn't be fussed about your solidity. Talk to your doctor, don't take pills that aren't for you.
you really shouldnt purloin diet pills...
and i can tell you that they wont work ably..
all you own to do is exercise a little everyday a touch (dont over do it because in the morning it hurts) drink river and try to cut down on junk food.
Diet pills are harmful drugs that make your body expel hose - which can lead to kidney problems, especially someone your age.

Stop taking them - they'll do you more spoil than good.
Diet pills are not a righteous idea for a childish kid, or really for just in the region of anyone. Besides, as soon as you stop taking them the weight comes backbone. It's better to do it the right way, which will distribute you strong lean muscles that will give you nice curves. Exersise give you healthy skin, coat, muscles, heart, lungs, the works...
Diet pills and not eating ruin adjectives of it.
Believe me, I've seen it, they do far more mar than good.

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