Yuck! help out?

there like so much soft in my private cog.
what is it?
its sticky
no odor.
what is it?
i don't have my time yet.

5'5 But I want to be 5'8, I'm 17 and a girl, can I grow still?

Normal vaginal fluids rise and fall in texture from wiry and slightly sticky to thick and gooey. They also rise and fall in color, range from clear to white or off-white. The amount of discharge can vary depending upon a girl's menstrual cycle. For example, fluids tend to be a bit heavier around the time a girl ovulates, which is when an egg is released from the ovary and moves into the fallopian tube.

Normal discharge should hold only a slight odor and should never result in itching or burning. Symptoms like itching, a strong odor, or a make over in color (such as to brown, gray, or green) indicate that a girl may hold a vaginal infection and needs to see a doctor.

Sometimes a middle-of-the-road vaginal discharge can irritate the skin. This is due to the moisture against the skin. You can prevent skin irritation in the vaginal area, especially when it's hot and humid outside, by wearing cotton underwear and avoiding clothes that don't tolerate your skin breathe. It's also important to save your body clean by bathing on a regular font.

How to have correct sex and diffent syle of sex?

It is probably only vaginal discharge. your vagina cleans itself regularly, especially when you are around the time that you will start your period. As long as its clear and no odor consequently it is safe. If it ever become thick, white, cottage-cheese approaching then you hold an infection.

SERIOUS! scared for my condition?

That is normal discharge. You will own it for a long time since you are in puberty. If it bothers you use a pantyliner in your underwear during the day.

Has anyone used a dutiful hair removal cream that works and is secure enough to use for bikini nouns?

its just vaginal discharge

i would guess that u will start ur time soon

but everybody is different!

Im 13 in november and 5' 3 1/2". is this okay?

this is enormously common it is call discharge it means you will be getting your term soon ( every girl gets this when she go through puberty)
u might wanna were a contracted everyday pad so your discharge wont seize on your underwear ask your mom, sister or an adult u trust to gain some for u

Is it possible to delay premature menupause( age 32)?

your infected! you entail to go to the emergency room without beating about the bush!!

Is it my period?


Ok odd embarrasing question how does a girl know if they hold a camel toe? dont even know what it is?

normal vaginal discharge. Get used to it, you're going to have it for the rest of your duration. It's an indicator that your period will be coming inwardly the next couple of years. You can use pantyliners to hang on to dry. If the pantyliner starts to feel moist, modification it to avoid infections.

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