I enjoy been consciousness nausious and tired what could this be?

I have have my period but it simply lasted for 1 hours of daylight and I've been emotion this way for nearly a month. But I have also be going through some stressful periods contained by my life. Could this be the result. We hold been trying to bring back pregnant but I don't want to jump to conclusions. I hold recently have an I.U.D and had removed contained by October and have be told that it can cause side effects. We hold thought I was prego once up to that time, because of sore breasts, but I think it be just wishful thinking at that point. But I hold been really heartfelt and crying and upset for a lot of things but after again it could be stress. I just don't want to construe I am and not be. So, I am just looking for any possible answers. Thank you.


How can I fix my OCD habbits?

I know how you grain I had a miscarridge ultimate year and now anytime I enjoy one of those feeling I freak out near hopes too. It could be the stress, but just to be sure loaf a few days and get a home prego question paper!! Best wishes either instrument!

I took a pregnancy test and it be neg ative I was supposed to start 8 days ago. I use a condom every time?

a time that was in the future? is that normal? i'm guessing not. you should own a pregnancy test. because you can enjoy a tiny period and still be pregnant. if so, congrats!

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