gaining weight b4 my period?

i always gain close to 5 or more pounds b4 i start my period and i crave seriously of chocolate. why do i gain a lot of solidity and is their something i can take for this? (just for the getting hold of weight).

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I do to, its marine weight! It drives me nuts!! I also crave chocolate, i imagine that is incredibly normal for us women!! Its something that freshly happens to give to the pain of your time itself, its not like we run through enough crap next to that!

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Your body retains sea when your on your cycle
You can take midol it help with the bloating

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It's probably having to do next to the water you're retaining. Plus, drinking chocolate isn't going to make the pounds liquefy away hehe.
Don't worry almost it. It happens to me too, and I'm positive we're not the just ones.
Do you lose the "weight" afterwards? That's what should matter.

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its a hormonal point and pamprim will take away the bulk gain before a interval starts and you shouldnt eat chocolate or use caffine ladies formerly a period do you ever wonder why your breasts hurt? thats why

Late spell.?

You gain weight because of marine retention and bloating. Take a menstrual pain reliever that help with hose retention. If you start to take the melds a daylight or so before your time is due, it will help next to the bloating. Check with the pharmacist on which brands. It is fairly common to crave chocolate. Eat and soak up it, just don't pig out because afterwards you will have counterweight gain to worry more or less.

Does it turn ppl off if a girl have.?

It is a water bulk gain. There are over the counter water pills you can purchase at any drug store. However, if you perceive kinda funny on them it is because you need postasium supplement while taking them. I prefer purely drinking extra water and using essential oil which can be helpful surrounded by reducing fluid retention; it most effective contained by a massage or a tub. In a bath you can use Geranium, grapefruit, juniper or rosemary and do frequent skin brushing up your limb from extremities toward the heart. Chamomile tea is good it is both a diuretic and easy-going relaxant.

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Don't worry, you're not the solely one. PMS causes cravings and a metamorphosis in consumption habits, along beside a few other nasty things. I'm other starving when I'm something like to come on. The thing I try to do, is buy one inn of chocolate and eat it piece by piece throughout the light of day, that usually helps the cravings. Plus, remember that when you're give or take a few to get your length you retain a whole lot of marine, which can make it appear like you've gain weight, but you lose it once you come on. Try evening primrose grease, that helps me near some of the nastier side effects.

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