Is this conventional?

a friend asked me if it is normal for one of her breast to be larger than the other, I didnt know what to report her, I have no theory.

Yeast infection?

Yes. Nobody has symetrical breasts.

Bad ROmours roughly speaking me and i cant take it no more.?

yes its regular




yes, almost every woman has one bigger than the other

A few question about pelvic ultrasound?

It is completely everyday and it is very adjectives. It could be anywhere from unnoticeable to having one breast a A cup and the other a C cup.

Why do women sleep next to their bra's on? surely it's not good for you?

Nobody's breasts are exactly indistinguishable.

Some women's breasts are larger than the other, completely normal.

Help contraceptive pill nightmare!!?

i believe it is .mine grew at a different stage ...they grew one and the same size when i got elder...

Pain during sex after loosing virginity?

Normal. One tends to be slightly bigger than the other on every girl, some only are more noticable than others.

Is this natural?

It is run of the mill, a lot women's breasts are slightly inconsistent in size. Usually it's not really definite but in some cases it is a drastic difference. If at hand is a drastic difference and she's concerned there is corrective surgery available for it.

Can a soul get pregnant from cunnilingus?

yes...most are you may not know it or see it but if you can gauge you will find it to be wifes are one is bigger then the other

Is it true that if you sit by the computer for the intact day would your astern get "wider"?

Fist rotten no ones perfect...and it is VERY common for one breast to be bigger than the other.but if it gets really extreme resembling one is an A and ones almost a full B..then she should see the doctor

Is it past the worst to take Chromium Picolinate and prenatal vitamins at impossible to tell apart time?

It sometimes happens but I would net sure the larger one is not hot to the touch or red to be sure it is not due to inflamation, in which suitcase she should see a doctor.

What is the purpose of reminder pills in birth control?

its normal, my sister only just got breast implant and before she did she found that her boobs be different sizes and lopsided, my sister got this stuff fixed, i suppose if it bothers her that much she can win a breast augmentation. nothing to be concerned nearly tho, i dont even want to get examined or i will want one too. so i would a bit not know, i just hatred imperfections tho.

Calling all women near Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome!!?

yes it is / if u have ever notice /one foot is bigger than the other

Why have I be so hormonal lately?

Yes it is very majority

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